How hard to rent out a parking space at apt.?

<p>How hard is it to find people to rent my parking space at an apartment complex? Let's say I have a parking space that I won't be using at all but I can't get my rent lowered for not using it*. Has anyone on here heard of how hard it is to find people to rent it for ~$100/month?</p>

<p>a friend is deciding between two places and i'm telling her she can rent the space for ~$100/month to make rent cheaper, but she's skeptical. </p>

<p>*some managers are able to lower rent for giving up the parking space</p>

<p>Shouldn’t be too hard, especially if you’re close to campus. A LOT of people want parking. If it’s a stacked parking spot, you might have a bit of a harder time, but $100 sounds like an OK price. </p>

<p>Some managers don’t allow non-tenants to park in their garages, others are fine with it. I don’t think many managers will directly lower your rent if you give up the space, but of course you can rent the space out yourself and apply that money towards your rent.</p>

<p>I don’t know how it works, but when I was apartment hunting I would ask the managers about lowering the rent for giving up the parking space. Some were able to do it, some not but didn’t care about renting it out, and others were strict on only tenants and no lower rent. So it varies.</p>

<p>I think her apartment is on gayley or landfair so not bad.</p>

<p>Quick question if you’re actually selling a parking space… Is it tandem or non-tandem? If it’s non-tandem then I’ll be interested! Please give me a response quickly though, or else I’m gonna be stuck with tandem parking for the next year :(</p>

<p>If your friend is allowed to rent it out, and it is not a shared space, it’s easy to rent out, because I’m here. :)</p>