How hard will UCLA or Cal be

<p>Well the time is almost here, many of us will wind up going to la or cal. I have spent so much time working on getting in that I have never even thought how hard it is going to be when we get there. In high school i was a slacker and got b's and c's but in community college i pulled my grades up to straight a's pretty much. cc hasnt been really hard. Anyways what do you guys think about the hardness of la and cal. Would love to hear from some current students at la or cal who can give us some insight as to how hard it really is compared to cc.</p>

<p>“what do you guys think about the hardness of la and cal”</p>

<p>that’s what she said. she said Cal gets his hardon a little faster than LA</p>



<p>im serious guuys, how diffficult willl ucla or or cal be</p>

<p>difficulty is subjective but maybe a quote from president Truman will help
“If you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen”</p>

<p>UCLA and Cal will be very, very difficult.</p>

<p>They are going to be the most difficult because they are in Tier 1. The difference between UCLA/Cal and Harvard is not noticeable… The difference in the schools is that Harvard gives you more resources and research opportunities, etc. (Smaller student body and larger campus.)</p>

<p>So, they will be the hardest.</p>

<p>But, they are not even close to impossible.</p>

<p>Expect to do much, much, much more ANALYSIS than in your CCC classes.</p>

<p>It will be fun and your academics will be exciting.</p>

<p>You will study A LOT MORE.</p>

<p>… But so will all your friends…</p>

<p>So, it will be much, much more difficult but it won’t seem all too much more difficult. :)</p>

<p>Dude, if UCLA/Cal was easy it would be called “your mom”.</p>

<p>i want some all you can eat korean bbq</p>

<p>LMAO @ Rawful- I really did laugh my arse off.</p>

<p>the harder it is, the better it will feel
-the real OG :D</p>

<p>err… you can’t rank Cal or LA up there with the Ivies/tier 1. Berkeley is still a bit under them. There’s a reason you can chance for berkeley since there’s a set formula but you can’t chance for MIT, Caltech, HYPS.</p>

<p>with that said, it’s subjective. they’ll be hard, but it also depends on what you’re trying to do to learn. what you’re learning, and the professors/students around you.</p>


<p> ;p.</p>