<p>I've been accepted to the University of Michigan, but I know that if a student doesn't maintain his/her grades throughout the year, admission can be revoked. My question is: how high should my 12th grade board exam grades be (I certainly don't want admission to be revoked!) and how closely will they look at those grades?</p>
<p>Just don't fail any of your tests.</p>
<p>Keep it above 75% if you can, that should be safe for UMich.</p>
<p>^ 60 above is considered an 'A' for the CBSE at American Colleges. My cousin got around 53% overall and still made it UCLA without any problems.</p>
<p>thats truw- univ's can't care less about CBSE marks- but don't let it go to your head- only 2 more left to go- so manage a 80 and keep everyone happy.</p>
<p>Yeah, just get an 80 for personal satisfaction or something...</p>
<p>I've heard a 75%+ is good enough..</p>
<p>Anything above 70% is safe.</p>
<p>Can we consider worst case scenarios here? My boards were spectacular. Phys and math maybe 70s and phy might even dip to 60s...</p>
<p>You would be safe enough for the admissions. Scholarships, I don't know...I hope they remain the same.
These marks would play a role in Masters ( A small role..though)</p>
<p>Masters? How is that even related?</p>
<p>Yeah...I didn't even know board exam marks were considered for that..</p>
<p>The transcripts asked during undergrad admissions= The marks you got in the school leaving exams and any other intermediate( which for us is the same) during masters admissions.</p>
<p>I went through the Masters application of MIT. Besides, many people going for Masters echoed the same thing.</p>
<p>For a friend who got admitted to UVa; would a 65%+ do?</p>
<p>^I think it would be ok.</p>
<p>Should be. The grades A/B/C/ are relative to peer performance. So that should settle things if you kinda score low.</p>