how important are summer activities in college admissions?

Hi, i’m currently a junior and i plan to apply to a few very presitgious schools when I’m a senior (brown, tufts, cornell, etc.) and i often see that many of you on this site have very impressive summer activites (ie independent research, rsi and other prestigious summer programs, etc), so i was wondering how important our summer activites are in our evaluation. I received an aplication to the Telluride Association Summer Program (TASP) and I’m hesiatant about going because although i know it would look good on a college application, i don’t know how much i would like it, seeing as I’m not huge on debate and I actually want to be a dentist anyway. besides, from what i understand, if you go to tasp just to impress adcoms, then you’ve pretty much defeated the purpose of going. I’ve planned on probably getting a part time job this summer while taking classes for credit at suny-binghamton or my local community college if that’s possible. Is this not very impressive or do colleges not even care that much about what you do over the summer? Thanks for any advice

<p>I think it is a good idea to do some enrichment over the summer. This, of course, should be something you want to do, or something that goes a level deeper into your EC's. It is ridiculous to live your life for your college application, so don't even think about TASP if you are not very interested. Your plan also qualifies as enrichment sinc you will be taking classes. The job is somewhat important too, depending upon your circumstances.</p>

<p>I went to TASP and it is an absolutely amazing experience. Everyone there was extremely intelligent and motivated, and the experience of living in a semi-free state with other juniors is unparalleled. The seminars are challenging and intense. Highly recommended.</p>

<p>As stated, however, don't go just because you think it'll look good on college apps. I'm not sure how much of a difference it really makes at all.</p>