How Important??

<p>How important are freshman grades in highschool? I live in Westchester New York and my grades this year (which was my freshman year ) weren't as good as i hoped for.. My accumulative average each quarter was 91, 92, 92, and the last quarter it was 93 but i got 76 average in my honors math courses (which im bummed about) .. how great effect will this year have on my chances to get into lets say NYU, BU, CMU and so on ( I want to be major in Acting) This has rely been worrying me so replies will be appreciated.. tHanks!</p>

<p>Some colleges do not even look at freshman grades. Focus on an upward trend.</p>

<p>I'd say don't worry about it - first of all feeling like you are already out of the game might effect your future grades and second of all some schools don't even look at freshman year and I'd say just about all don't consider any freshman year grades a real deciding factor in most ways. I did quite badly in freshman year math (honors alg 2) - it was uncharacteristic of my usual performance and I improved in 10th and 11th and I have gotten straight A's in ap calc now. If you had another outside reason for a low grade such as a loss in the family, etc you might consider putting that in your essay.</p>

<p>edit: just read that you want to be an acting major....heh I wouldn't be too concerned just focus on doing better the next three years</p>

<p>do you go to Carnegie Mellon Spetsnaz Op?? Is it awfully hard to get into (*awfully i sound british lol) thanks for your help! =]</p>

<p>not too much weight is placed on freshman year...think bout it, alot of schools dont even want teacher recs from freshman/senior teachers</p>

<p>I got into CMU this year (just graduated HS the other day) but I got in off of the Priority Waitlist. I'm going into IS though - and from what I understand Acting is part of the College of Fine Arts which has totally different standards and requirements such as auditions and stuff. I think there is a section of CC where CFA applicants post but I'm not sure where it is. I have heard that the program is really really competitive for admission. Of course being the College of Fine Arts the need for really high math grades is most likely lesser than for, say, the college of technology or cs.</p>

<p>yeaa...that's rely cool you got in tho bet ur excited ! i kno the universitiy and college acting programs i looked at so far had basically the same requirements when it came to auditioning (resume, 2 monologues that whole deal) but i guess it never occurred to me the level of difficulty it was to get in varied on what u were auditioning for ...brilliant me.. i guess i'll just focus more on the audition than one math grade .. thanks a lot Good luck at CMU .</p>

<p>I am no expert on CFA but that is what I heard anyway. Your grades are still important though - start fresh in the fall and do your best without thinking about freshman year :) You can't change the grade in any case so there is no point stressing over it, save your energy and enjoy the summer. Also make sure you show interest in CMU (and of course some of the other places you are considering)....not just college admissions but also pre college and stuff like that. I did and they sent me a fee waiver junior year for 11th grade admission if I wanted to try that and I also got 2 "recruitment calls" from students (one just before senior year, the other some time in like 10th or 11th).</p>

<p>found a link</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Yeah, don't worry too much. You're only a freshman. I wasnt even concerned about college at your'm showing my age....
And freshman grades matter very little to colleges- unless your sophmore and junior grades are equally poor.</p>

<p>thanks a lot! just curious...what are you studying at CMU?</p>

<p>information systems</p>

<p>still thinking about minoring or double majoring in international relations (i like IR because it combines language study with interesting classes relations) I might try to do something with CS too if it isn't too much to add on....I have built several pc's but I've never really done any programming so I'm not sure about that yet. I'm excited about IS though :)</p>

<p>don't forget to enjoy HS....I was very prepared for the whole college admissions thing and college was hardly on my radar after freshman year (though I did take the SAT that summer to see how I would do). Don't forget to enjoy HS - I wish I had more and I've only been out for a couple of days.</p>

<p>i'll try but you know people can never appreciate something till its gone =] lol .. ill try to have enough fun for all of us but it's hard when you know there's so much more out there thanks for all your help and have fun at CMU!</p>