<p>In CA, people always say you save money by going to a CCC first, then transferring to a UC. I don't understand how that works, if you have to pay for 2 years of CCC + 4 years of UC, isn't that more expensive than paying for only 4 years of UC?</p>
<p>I'm not really sure where this topic should go, apologies in advance~!</p>
<p>:O I was not being a bich, I was being honest, don’t lie when someone says they go to a community college they don’t think of the reasons you listed, they’ll assume that they’re intellectually challenged (nice was of saying stupid).</p>
dude ignore her, she is posing to be a ***** just as her username suggests that she is a bich lol … she showed her fake *****iness in other threads too lol</p>
<p>A year at a CCC is roughly under $2,000 out of pocket expense. A UC will cost you anywhere from $7,000 to $15,000 a year.</p>
<p>You transfer with the credits you’ve earned at the community college to put towards your degree at a four year university, meaning, you wouldn’t be taking an additional four years of school.</p>
<p>Most people do two years at a CCC and then finish their degree in two years at a UC.</p>
<p>preppybich: the majority of my family has gone to community college before finishing somewhere else, and I assure you, they’re not intellectually challenged. If anything, it’s smarter to save that money and then transfer than to waste money on gen. ed. classes that are the same wherever you go.</p>
<p>I go to a CCC and I’m not stupid. My parents can’t afford to send me to a 4 year university right away, and don’t want me to take out loans. Hence CCC and $20 a unit classes.</p>
<p>I go to a CC. Frankly, I was lazy in HS. I had no desire to do extra curriculars(especially for the purpose of being admitted to a university), take AP classes, or kill myself studying for the SAT. I didn’t see the point. My brother transferred to a UC after dropping out of HS, earning a GED, and busting his ass at CC for engineering, so he was kind of my inspiration. </p>
<p>Saving money is nice too. Hard to beat $20 per unit. And ultimately, my degree will have the same school name on it as some my peers in HS who were admitted as freshman. Am I less virtuous of a student as those who were much more motivated at age 14-17? Perhaps. But CC affords late academic bloomers such as myself a second chance, and for that I am eternally grateful.</p>
<p>Lol at the ignorance of preppybich
And which one of us is supposed to be “intellectually challenged”?
I’d argue that being closed-minded is a much greater mental disability than going to a community college, but to each their own!</p>
<p>Obviously the latter route. In the end your degree will either say UC Santa Cruz or UC Berkeley. There will be no mention that you went to CC, and employers won’t care.</p>