How is the grading curve for Emory Science classes/other classes?

<p>I want to be a dentist so i'm thinking about majoring in chemistry. Are the curves harsh for the pre-med classes? Or are there no curves and you get the grade that you earn?</p>

<p>The grading is pretty harsh and there’s no curve. The premed classes are very unforgiving, so if you’re gonna go that route make sure you study a **** load.</p>

<p>Intro. classes, hardly no one curves. Upperlevels are generally curved up significantly or slightly (whatever it takes to get to the perfect B-, with exception of biochem). </p>

<p>Some teachers are kind of light graders though, like Weinschenk’s orgo. class. His tests are the most challenging among the sophomore orgo. sections, yet he’s forgiving when grading them and also curves at the end. However, you still have to bust your butt in the pre-dominantly pre-med courses. Even with a generous curve, you still must earn a high enough grade vs. the average to truly benefit. </p>

<p>Basically Emory grades just as everyone else in the sciences. It’s hard. In generally you get what you earn. Now, major specific (non-premed geared) classes are a different story. However, with the generous grading that comes with those courses also comes conceptually more rigorous material and perhaps a significantly higher graded workload.</p>