How is the social life at University of Illinois at Chicago?

I’m transferring to UIC this upcoming fall 2016. I also got accepted into Ohio state and Iowa state, but couldn’t go since they don’t offer dorms to transfers, and I didn’t wanna live on off-campus housing. So am sort of upset over that fact, since those were my dream schools.
But so I’ve decided to attend UIC which is also near to my house. And no, I’m not commuting I’m going to be living on campus.
So how is it living at UIC, the social life. Also, not being racist but are there white people at this school, from what I’ve heard and saw when I visited it was mostly Indians and Asians. But I visited during the end of the school year, so there werent much people anyway.
Furthermore, I know there isn’t much partying going around, but still what’re some places I can meet girls. I’m going to be majoring in engineering (I know it’s kinda difficult, but I can keep a balance between academics and social life) and thinking about minoring in music.
I’ve also read a lot of negative feedback from all over the Internet, so am a little bit concerned whether the students are going to be friendly or not.

So in short, what’d you think UIC is like, the on campus living experience, the diversity, the activities, the sports, homecoming and so forth?
The most recent CDS (which is from two years ago) shows about 38% white.

Since you applied to Ohio State and Iowa State, I’m assuming you’re into the “traditional” college experience (Greek life, parties, etc)? If so, that’s not UIC. As a Hispanic suburban student, I transferred to UIC from U of I in Urbana Champaign because I preferred the city life. UIC does have way more Hispanic, black, Asian students. There is a noticeable white presence, but a lot are Eastern European or Jewish, so not your typical WASP, like at UIUC. Even for me, as a Hispanic raised in a very white suburb, it was a bit weird going to a school with less “American” whites.

As for dorms, which are you living in? I lived in JST which is modern, but further from campus (like 10 min walk, so it’s not bad). You also get a ventra card, so you can take the bus to class, not that it’s necessary. But JST is suite style so it’s less social. There’s TBH or MRH, near JST, but it’s apartment style and for upper classmen. The meal plan is also optional in these two dorms. East campus dorms suck (old, no suite style, mainly communal bathroom). Also, all dorm food sucks; it literally gives you the runs. I’d get an apartment or commute & cancel the plan while you can before you have to pay 75% of costs if you cancel during the year! A lot of people also go home during the weekends, so dorms get lonely.

I’ve lived in JST (when I transferred in), then east campus (hated it), and commuted a semester. I’ll be in an apartment with two roommates though this year.

I’m going to be living Commons south. So yeah fingers crossed for that. And what about the welcome week, I heard there are a lot of welcoming events, and also the RA arranges some social activities?
Also, is Illinois state University any better. I’m thinking of applying there and attending this fall if it’s better than uic.
And do you think I can transfer out after my junior year? Well I wouldn’t say junior year, since I’m going to be doing majoring and minoring so it’s going to be longer.

It’s a primarily commuter university.
You’ll have to make a serious effort to have a 'traditional college experience '.
Was it cheaper than the others?
Any chance you could still accept either tOSU or Iowa? Because even if you live in a private student residence 10mn from campus you’d have a more 'residential experience ’ than at UIC.

@MYOS1634 I think I still can, because I haven’t declined them I just didn’t accepted their offer before the deadline. Maybe they can make an exception, if so then I would live on campus apartments at Iowa state.
But also, I’m attending the uic transfer orientation tomorrow (June 15 2016). So would I still be able to withdraw myself after the orientation? it’s not like the classes would’ve started by then. So I would only be paying back the orientation fee and not the whole tuition, am I right?

Call and ask. Or go to orientation and ask. See if you like uic fine.
if you want a traditional experience and they’re roughly the same price for you, Iowa would be better than uic but check prices too.
I know uic isn’t especially cheap, even for residents, which is why it might be possible Iowa 's roughly the same (plenty of Illinois residents go to Iowa for that reason.)

The East campus dorms are not that old. They were built between 1988 and 1992. The west campus dorms are the oldest. There are four east campus dorms. CMW and CMS are traditional dorms. CMN is a suite style, singles only, upper classmen dorm. CTY is a suite style dorm with no age restrictions. You’ll have more activities in the traditional dorms. The apartments have the least.

The issue with CMS is that it’s almost all freshman. Also, unlike CMW, they don’t really have lounges. You can see if there is a wait list for the other buildings. I didn’t have a bad experience in CMW.

The welcome events are normally just for new freshman.

If you were to withdraw now, you will lose your tuition deposit and have to pay the orientation fee. I believe you can get your housing deposit back.

UIC is what you make of it. The number of commuters is down but it is still mostly that type of school.