US History
US Government
Comparitive Government
<p>2100 SAT</p>
<p>3.8 UW GPA</p>
Intern for local Democratic Committee (plan to get glowing rec from chair)
Active campaigner for Democratic candidates in the region
Editor-in-chief of national recognized newspaper
President of Key Club
President of Young Democrats
Debate Team</p>
<p>Ok the list: </p>
<p>William & Mary (in-state. Safety?)
University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
George Washington
Johns Hopkins
Fordham (safety?)
Michigan State (James Madison Program)
American University (safety?)
Washington University St. Louis</p>
<p>I'd very much prefer to be in DC for the internship opportunities, but go ahead and tell me how my list is overall.</p>
<p>I'll be applying to SFS. I know this isn't a chances thread, but overall how many of those schools seem within a reasonable grasp for me to get in?</p>
<p>And UMD College Park is actually a really good school. I'm avoiding it like the plague because I wanna get out of here, but you should really consider it as a safety if being in the DC area is important to you. Maybe to replace Fordham?</p>
<p>I've heard that it has that rep, and I really don't get it... I have friends who go there and would probably laugh if I told them that. I bike around there all the time. My mom works there, so I was hanging out on campus when I was eight...</p>
<p>I'm sure there are dangerous areas, but I don't really see it as being much of an issue...</p>
<p>Just do research on the Internet, like Google:</p>
<p>USWNR undergrad college ranking for ___________</p>
<p>the page that comes up tells ranking, cost, # students.
Then go to the college website and look around for 'incoming student profile' or the 'fast facts' button, or dig around in the Admissions section for their SAT/ACT and GPA 50% figures.</p>
<p>you will also see in some cases that they will list the # of applicants they get, and the # they accept and the # they admit.</p>
<p>This doesn't take that long to do, and you have the info from the horse's mouth, so to speak, instead of wondering whether CC respondents goofed in giving you their opinions.</p>