How long did it take for A&M to give you their admissions decision?

<p>If it is true about not admitting anymore review admits than admissions needs to let those review admits know ASAP and not string them along!!!</p>

<p>My son applied ~ Nov 29th as a review and was admitted. So, they are taking some qualified applicants.</p>

<p>I’m waiting for a decision on a review admit. The rumor about them not accepting any more review admit students is disappointing, and if true they need to starting sending decline notices ASAP. However, all review admit students should have already prepared backup plans just in case. I already have my housing deposit sent in, and orientation dates assigned for a different school. While it would be nice to get accepted to A&M, I refuse to have to scramble at the last minute. I really hope other review students are getting set up in other schools just in case!!!</p>

<p>It is disappointing to hear that about the review admits. I am a review, I have a 1010 SAT (CR + M), 93/358 with a 97.677 GPA in a very competitive public high school. I wanted to major in business but that is filled so I changed it to Wildlife & Fisheries sciences. I also have 4 Letters of Recommendation 2 from teachers and 2 from people I’ve volunteered with also aggies. I’m in FFA, NHS for the past two years and 2 years of Varsity Baseball because my school is new and last year was the first year we were able to be a varsity program. A&M is my number one, and it has been the place I’ve wanted to go my whole life, everyone in my family has attended A&M. This process is so stressful I’ll take any offer of acceptance.</p>

<p>When we went for visit last may, the admissions counselor said they look primarily at rank, act/sat and GPA. Don’t really consider ec’s. They simply don’t have time with as many applications as they receive.</p>

<p>I pray it’s not true.</p>

<p>Aggie25 I feel you. Are we sure they are no longer letting In review admits. The application deadline just hit if every one is confused about that</p>

<p>Last year they were accepting review admits way past this date, so I don’t see why they’d stop now.</p>

<p>@joekinglonestar, exactly it seems like very day a new rumor starts and you don’t know what to believe anymore. I just want to know what there decision is on me, so i can begin to look at housing and accepting an offer from the other schools that I’ve been accepted to.</p>

<p>I called and talked to an admittance counselor last week because my daughter’s transcript was still not showing up as even recieved. She applied 12.12.12 and we hand delievered her transcript on 12.19.12. Anyway…we got to talking about all kinds of things and I was asking if they had recieved a lot more applications this year with all the craziness of the football season. He said they have not seen an increase out of the norm, that there has been a steady increase over the past several years, but nothing crazy this year. So I am reading all these posts and have no clue what to think! Guess eventually we will all find out. Just thought I would share what I was told last week. Gig em!</p>

<p>^thank you for that bit of information!! I figured the other thing posted was just a rumor, and now I know it is for sure. Surprises me that they haven’t seen a hike in applications though,but I’m not complaining!</p>

<p>From the admissions office TODAY…</p>

<p>"Review applicants are still being accepted, all applications will be reviewed by our admissions committee. Admissions decisions are made throughout the application period and final decisions will be announced by the Office of Admissions in late march.</p>

<p>It is our intention to provide you with the best customer service. We hope to have answered all of your questions. Please email Admissions at <a href=“”></a> or call Admissions Customer Service at (979) 845-1060 if we can be of further assistance."</p>

<p>just called admissions. Says not true and that some admitts should hear around Feb.</p>

<p>I applied in around thanksgiving. they replied back within two weeks that I was accepted. (auto admit)</p>

<p>Three weeks to the day. I applied by in September. (auto admit)</p>

<p>I was a review admit (1980 SAT; 580M 670CR 730W) and I was admitted on 12/17. I doubt that they’re out of room for review admits.</p>

<p>I know it is no consolation to those still waiting, but hold out hope since I am sure there are a number of students that have been admitted that choose not to attend A&M. Not sure how they work a “wait-list” but almost all universities have them. It makes for way too much stress on housing, etc, but it is a possiblilty. The one thing I wish TAMU did was either guarantee or require Freshman housing. This would take a lot of pressure out of the housing process. I enjoyed my four years on-campus, but see the importance of this option being available to all incoming Freshman.</p>

<p>My son was admitted to Texas Tech and UTD but was hoping for Texas A&M He is in the top 16% and has just under 1300 (cr and math) on the SAT. After speaking with A&M I was told that he was a good candidate for the school but here’s the problem. Although A&M was his first choice-- his choice of major either engineering or the business school is completely full so I asked them if he gets admitted what are his chances of changing his major if he keeps his grades up etc I was told in no uncertain terms that for the businss school that those chance are basically zero.</p>

<p>So we are left with housing filling up at Texas Tech (which offered him a scholarship) and a more liberal approach to his choice of major. So if he gets in (which he probably will in Feb or March) he gets to major in some liberal arts and he can’t transfer into what he wants to do. I think choice of major is more important than what school you go to when it comes to employment after school so I want to warn the review admits that if you get in your choices will be very limited and your ability to join other majors also very limited so you are probably better off somewhere else.</p>

<p>He really wanted to go to A&M but it’s not worth giving up what you want to study just to go there. I was actually told that it is easier for transfer students to get into those majors than already admitted students – that felt wrong to me on so many levels</p>

<p>Good Luck</p>

<p>I am also waiting to hear back from A&M. In the meantime, I have already been accepted to Tech, selected my dorm room and am scheduled for orientation. I think it’s a good idea to have your backup plan set up so you’re not left hanging. Admissions says it could be March before we hear and the A&M housing office said dorms will be gone by late February and we will have to look at apartments. Without your chosen major and no on campus housing, you will need to see what really makes sense.</p>

<p>We are looking at housing tonight and going to one of the orientations that Texas Tech sends to admitted students even though he will probably get admission to A&M it’s not worth it to give up your dreams just to be able to say you were an Aggie</p>

<p>I’m just really shocked that they are that rigid about majors considering that most people change careers quite a few times and once you get into school many college students discover that what they thought they wanted isn’t really their thing.</p>

<p>I just don’t like the idea of locking an 17/18 year old into a decision I would much prefer he take courses in both engineering and business and pick what’s right for him.</p>

<p>When I was in college there just was not this kind of rigid thinking.</p>