How long did it take for A&M to give you their admissions decision?

<p>Kalerzz I know how you feel. And being close to auto admitt dosent make get in faster I have a 29 ACT, one point off, and still waiting. Also your school isn’t so bad, I have a 4.5 and im in about the 37%, to be top ten at my school you have to have close to a 5.5</p>

<p>Well, my daughter was accepted into Texas Tech at least! They accepted her within 24 hrs of receiving her hs transcripts! That was fast (but, she did meet the requirements for auto admit) Still…a huge relief while waiting on TAMU to make a decision, which is still her first choice obviously. She is going to apply to Galveston too, but really doesn’t think that it is a fit for her as she wants more of a “big school” experience, even if only for a year or so before transferring. I support her either way…and just pray that they surprise us with a full admission at TAMU :)</p>



<p>It is my understanding that students from some of the most competitive Texas high schools can usually get in with a 3.5 gpa. So, it is hopeless trying to compare gpas from one school to that from another.</p>

<p>My daughter got her online acceptance today. NOTHING showed up on the Howdy site, only the AIS site! Just an FYI! So excited!! Whoop!</p>

<p>I’m not sure they look at a weighted gpa at all. Most schools look at your unweighted gpa on a 4.0 scale, your rank, and the rigor of your coursework. Different schools weight differently. It would be too difficult to compare weighted gpas from school to school.</p>

<p>Tarasmom, congratulations to you and your daughter!</p>

<p>Got accepted today! Applied very last minute. (I think my transcript arrived on Jan 15th, “completing” the application on 1/15. Oh my.) I’m actually really surprised I got in considering how late I applied. My school doesn’t rank and I’m out-of-state so it took until yesterday to process all the documents but they definitely didn’t waste time with actually making a decision. Much faster than the UC decisions over here, anyway, and A&M gets more applicants. Props to the admissions councilors. :slight_smile: They assigned me 1st quarter ranking so I guess it’s auto admit? I’m not too familiar with the auto admit system in Texas.</p>

<p>Anyways, I’m applying to all the outside scholarships I can so I can go. (Out of state cost is really expensive!) A&M seems like a great school and I’m excited I got in. It was in my top choices. :slight_smile: Good luck to anyone who still hasn’t heard!</p>


<p>You may have been an auto admit depending upon your test scores.</p>

<p>“…achieve a combined SAT Math and SAT Critical Reading score of at least 1300 with a test score of at least 600 in each of these components; or achieve a composite ACT score of at least 30 with a test score of at least 27 in ACT Math and ACT English. Students must take the writing component of the SAT and/or ACT in order for the test score to be considered…”</p>

<p>[Academic</a> Admits](<a href=“]Academic”></p>

<p>Congratulations! Good luck with your scholarship applications!</p>

<p>That makes sense then. I have a 1370 CR/M.</p>

<p>And thank you! :)</p>

<p>@Tarasmom1 and achlys, congats on the great news!!! Hey I am just curious if anymore tabs or links have come up on the Howdy page or any other changes since the “Whoop … you are admitted” message came up. We are still on step 3 with no other changes and just wondering how long is normal till the next step after receiving the admit message. Thanks!!</p>

<p>My daughters howdy page changed to the 4 tabs on thursday late. She was offered admittance on weds. She accepted the offer through AIS on weds. Actually, if you click on the Whoop you are admitted…accept or decline button on Howdy, it takes you back to AIS. She was on Step 3 and went straight to step 5 overnight. Hope that helps. Good luck!</p>

<p>Yeah it seems like a lot of folks got the 4 tabs on Howdy page first as a clue that things might be about to change and then got the “admitted” statement a little later. My son got the “admitted” but still has only two tabs and no other changes. I guess it depends on what major/school you are going into and how bogged down they are with apps. Looking foward to next week.</p>

<p>I didn’t see any new tabs, but I’m not the most observant so something could have. I also only really checked AIS, not Howdy so I’m not too familiar with the time differences of its notification.</p>

<p>I was actually at step 2 for the longest time since I had sent some things in by mail (school profile and transcript) that took a while to get processed leaving my application “incomplete”. Once they finally processed and ranked me, I was an auto admit so I actually didn’t see myself at step 3 because I didn’t check every hour, and I pretty much skipped to step 5.</p>

<p>Sorry I can’t help!</p>

<p>top 26.XX% 1320 Math + Reading. Still haven’t heard anything. :(</p>

<p>^Are both cr & m above 600?</p>

<p>Has anyone received any Gateway/Blinn Team offers? Also, a few people at my school already got rejection letters from A&M so I think at this point, you might either get Blinn, Gateway, that transfer program, or everyone’s dream: full admission.</p>

<p>^^^^that would be great. Our son already has acceptance letters to UTSA, A&M Corpus and a couple others. Still in waiting for CS. We put a deposit down for housing at UTSA cause we don’t really expect to get into CS. If we got good news though that might change…</p>

<p>What are the “4 tabs” everyone is talking about? I’m a little confused. Please help</p>

<p>cwolverine21, go into your “Howdy Portal”. In the upper left corner of the screen is a yellow tag that says “Howdy”, below it is your name, below that is a tab that says “Home” and one that says “Applicant”. At some point, other tabs can be added - “My Record” and “My Finances”.</p>

<p>Noticed this on AIS today: “Admissions decisions are made throughout the application period allowing applicants to be notified as soon as possible. Final decisions will be announced by the Office of Admissions in late March (including Texas A&M Blinn TEAM, Gateway and PSA decisions) for fall admission.”</p>