How long did it take for A&M to give you their admissions decision?

<p>yes. to blinn team</p>

<p>My daughter wants to go to vet school as well. She also got admitted to Tech, but she is going to stick with Blinn team and hope to transfer in early. She wants to go ahead and be in College Station and get familiar with the advisors and start taking Freshman level Animal Science classes. She will take chemistry and Biology at Blinn to get started on those. If your daughter changes her mind, let me know and maybe they can meet and go through the process together.</p>

<p>Thanks! I can definitely let you know what she decides because it would be awesome to have a contact there since we live in California. I want her to talk to advisors before making any decisions. She wanted to be an Aggie so bad, but she wants the experience of living in a dorm and going to a university too. So, she wants to do that and then try and transfer in…which seems just as easy whether at another college or Blinn as long as you have good grades. I see your daughter’s point about wanting to be at College Station now though. I don’t think my daughter has any clue what Lubbock will be like, lol.My husband is from Texas, but we have never lived there. I will send you a private message with my email address! Thanks for your reply</p>

<p>Y’all I would kill for Blinn TEAM I am having to apply to some last minute colleges because I’m getting the feeling that I will get declined. And I don’t really like all my backups. I’m putting in apps to OU and Texas Tech. Anybody know when they basically stop sending any sort of acceptances and start sending declines. Basically like a judgement date? Lol</p>

<p>Admissions told me that all decisions should be made by the end of March. I know that doesn’t help the wait. Wishing you good luck!</p>

<p>Don’t worry Tuwood, pretty sure they are still accepting full admits! My ‘manage applications’ link under the applicant tab in howdy updated today! However I am still on step 3 for AIS. It says BS-NUSC (nutrition science) in howdy so I am pretty sure its full admit.</p>

<p>Did you get full admission?</p>

<p>^AIS hasn’t updated yet but since it doesn’t say BAC-TEAM or something else I’m pretty sure it’s full admission.</p>

<p>Oh. Does yours say accepted on your howdy manage apps?</p>

<p>Yeah it says “whoop! You’ve been admitted” under manage applications.</p>

<p>See mine still says “under review” I can’t really tell if that is a good or bad sign :confused: it could either mean that I have made the final round of cuts and competitive for a spot (for full admission or blinn) or basically the complete opposite and it means that I am about to get cut or given some sort of thing other than full admission/blinn team, because I called up there and they said that most full admission admits have already went out.</p>

<p>I got offered the Gateway program, anyone have any unspecified details or experience they would like to share?</p>


<p>When did you get offered Gateway? We are still waiting …just trying to see
if the volume of offers of any kind are waning… :/</p>


<p>I got the offer this past Friday/the 1st. Went from option 3 all the way to option 5 in one day on AIS.</p>

<p>@nes132: Take the offer! Congratulations on getting Gateway! I wish I could get that. All you have to do is take 2 courses related to your major, and if you finish with a 2.0 GPA, you gain full admission. It’s a lot better than Blinn TEAM in the sense that you WILL be a freshman this fall at TAMU. Take it! Getting a 2.0 shouldn’t be difficult at all. Congratulations!</p>

<p>thanks, and more than likely I will take up the gateway offer.</p>

<p>Well I got denied. It’s sucks I showed as much interest as anybody could show, my family has went there since 1929, I was 3 people from being an auto admit and had an above average sat score. I had a spotless extracurricular activities record. Plus I applied in August and they waited till march to deny me. Screw tamu.</p>

<p>And I know plenty of people at my school who cheated their way Into the top 10% and they don’t even give a ****. That’s what’s so bad about it, I genuinely care, stressed out for months, called to check up on my app. And they will accept people who I have a better GPA (but they have slightly better sat) than AND I don’t cheat. I show academic integrity. Plus my essays were proof read by the a&m office in Arlington. They said my app looked strong. They just denied a guy who would have shown complete loyalty to the school in every thing they do. SCREW TAMU.</p>

<p>Were you offered PSA or Blinn TEAM?</p>

<p>Nes132, what were you stats? If you don’t mind me asking. Congratulations! Gateway is awesome!</p>