How long did it take for A&M to give you their admissions decision?

<p>I got PSA but I mean I already got accepted to Galveston before I got offered PSA (they say that Galveston is in closer relations with college station campus, idk why that’s just what they said) I was at least expecting blinn team. </p>

<p>-3.641 gpa

  • 35/306 class rank (top 11.4%)
  • multiple extracurricular activities (NHS, Student Council, varsity football, NSHSS, ect.)
    -Texas High School Football All state team
    -1060 SAT composite(math+reading)
  • 80+ community service hours
  • Multiple leadership positions
    (Football captain, Rachel’s challenge club president, NHS member)
  • Uncle played Middle Linebacker for Texas in the 90’s(I don’t know if that would help)
    -Go to an academically recognized school in my area.
    -rigorous coursework. (Many ap/pre ap classes)</p>

<p>Plus they had my name down as going to a&m application seminars, and I visited… TWICE they also got my name down as visiting. They also see how many time you check your ais… I literally checked mine every day since the end of August. I literally put as much effort into that application as a person could. I spent my whole summer writing college app essays, then taking them to the a&m office in Arlington to get them proof read and then I would edit. I did that for 3 different essays, 3 different times. Honestly everything was perfect except my SAT.</p>

<p>Correction: -Texas High School Football Academic All State.</p>

<p>@Tuwood: You and my D have virtually the same stats. The only difference is her 3.69 only puts her in the top 30% (extremely competitive school). She has 100s of community service hours and has held multiple officer positions. She went to Whoopin Weekend, SLOT, Fasttrack to Aggieland and Explore. She is still under review. The waiting is killing her.
When you get PSA do you get to choose the school?</p>

<p>83aggie - When you go online to give your decision, the have the list of the eligible schools and you just click on the ones you’re interested in. I didn’t see what goes on after that step because I declined. It’s Texas Tech for me. Wreck 'em!</p>

<p>Herfyjo: thanks and best of luck at tech!</p>

<p>Yeah they give you the list of schools. And I hope she gets in. If I get accepted I’m gonna go to Oklahoma. BOOMER SOONER.</p>

<p>Tuwood, sorry for the dissappointment. I know how you feel. My daughter applied last year with a 4.1 gpa, 17% ranking at a very competitive school in Houston. Her composite sat was around 620 math/600 reading. Applied August 10th and didn’t hear until March. End result… nada… She chose to go to Blinn. She will be a transfer applicant for Spring 2014. Her major is engineering and the required transfer gpa is high. She is doing fine. However, if we had to do it all over again, I’d suggest she start off at a 4 year college. This would’ve been Texas Tech for her. The reason I say this is it’s going to be hard dragging her away from College Station after making friends, etc. And for people that think Blinn is easy, it’s not. So, hang in there. Things happen for a reason. That’s the best way to look at it.</p>

<p>@tuwood quit whining and saying TAMU did you wrong. Not everyone gets in. If you’re still set on being an Aggie, go to junior college and transfer in. That’s what I did. I got accepted a few weeks ago and I had a 3.1 on 63 hours.</p>

<p>@Tuwood, I feel for you. It seems you tried very hard to convey your loyalty and express your interest in A&M. I am not sure who told you that loyalty and interest are such huge factors in admissions, when they are not. </p>

<p>A&M is first and foremost a world class, very competitive academic institution. There was a time about 30 years ago when an 1100 on the SAT would get someone into A&M by expressing loyalty and interest. Those days are long gone. However, it seems kids are influenced by stories told by parents and others. Please read the threads and notice there are several kids with SAT scores in the 1300s and high 1200s who have been given Blinn. My son had a hard time getting into Engineering with an SAT near 1500. He is a National Merit Semifinalist and has over 10 AP courses (Jr year 4,5,5,5,5). This is clearly a very different A&M than the one that exists in the imagination of some. For example the average SAT Math score in Engineering these days is 670. So, unless one is in the top 10% and qualifies as an auto admit, it seems getting into A&M is extremely difficult for anyone with an SAT below 1100.</p>

<p>@ Tuwood : Sorry about the bad news. I do agree that there is no way that interest in the school plays any role even though they say it does. With 15,000 review applicants there is no way to evaluate interest in the school, only numerical data like test scores. You do sound like your a good student based on your stats though and I think if you wanted to transfer after a year you would be very capable. Good luck</p>

<p>Sorry to hear for those who didn’t get their first choice but here’s something to think about</p>

<p>My son was accepted to Team Blinn and will be turning it down
He was also accepted to the CAP program at UT Austin Also turning it down</p>

<p>He was admitted to UTD (a very good school) and Tech (also a good school although not the best location) Those were the only schools he applied.</p>

<p>He will be going to Tech which has given him the Presidential scholarship so the cost is about the same for Tech and UTD</p>

<p>He just missed the top 10% and had a 1250 on the SAT Tons of AP classes and some concurrent classes. He played sports worked for the student government etc etc. He will be entering college with 30 hours of completed credit. so the Blinn program just seems like a waste of time.</p>

<p>If someone of that caliber can’t get into A&M because he doesn’t have that extra something ie a sad tale about hardship than that’s cool because I do think universities should admit disadvantaged students. My son will be successful regardless of where he goes</p>

<p>The point is that at Tech he can major in whatever he wants at both UT and A&M the choices are very limited and accoording to both of them after you finish CAP or Blinn you get a crappy choice of majors. Sounds like they are running more of an assembly line than a school. I kept hearing the phrase “graduate on time” from all of the schools. Seems as though they want to get the kids through but what I didn’t get is any chance for self-discovery. They literally put you in a program and tell you what classes to take. Just a little too regimented for my son.</p>

<p>Tech is a lot more wide open – If you do well they will let you into the Engineering or Business program. The business building just opened this year and it’s amazing. It has all the bells and whistles and the town revolves aroudn the school (much like College Station)</p>

<p>Too bad A&M left the Big 12 for the SEC (traitors)</p>

<p>Anyway my point is that even if you get in think carefully because you are probably better off somewhere else (because you shouldn’t major in liberal arts just to go to A&M when you could have majored in business/engineering etc</p>

<p>by the way Tech’s engineering school (although not as high as A&M) is very highely rated</p>

<p>Thank you guys, you do make a good point. I feel that your son and I are in the same boat. I was also CAP’d from UT and PSA from a&m. I also want to major in finance and they said the business school has already filled up. So basically they would have told me what I was going to major in. And I’m not sure if I am going to transfer because I hear that a&m business is Damn near impossible to transfer into, you have to have like a 3.7+ to even be considered. I plan on going to OU and going from there. Does ethnicity play a role in it? Because of all the review admits at my school none were offered full admission except this Spanish kid who had two (very wealthy) a&m alumni parents and he had basically the same stats as anybody else. I would have better stats than him if I were to have gotten a 1250 SAT but I got a 1060 and I was like 10 spots ahead of him in the ranks. I had the best class rank of all the review admits at my school, I had a lesser SAT but the other kids were denied and they had about the same stats SAT and GPA/class rank.</p>

<p>Tuwood - There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to OU, just as there is nothing wrong with me going to Tech or another person choosing the University of Houston, UTSA, etc. Our education is what we make of it. My parents are from a northern state so our family doesn’t have the same history with A&M. I only wanted to go because of its rank and networking. While I’m disappointed, I’m still happy to be able to go to a fine four-year university. I decided that I would rather spend my freshman year in Lubbock rather than Kingsville or Commerce. There is no shame in that. I hope you can be happy about OU because I’m sure you will know kids who are getting rejections from more than one school. So just go there, kick butt and get good grades and get a job where you can supervise a bunch of Aggies.</p>

<p>Yeah the reason I wanted to go to tamu so bad is because my family has gone there since 1929. It kinda was implied that I would go to a&m, but seeing that I didn’t get accepted, (even though legacy is a huge thing at a&m… But apparently not to the admissions office) I will gladly go to OU. Because all these colleges you talked about and OU are just as good as A&M. I feel that I am just as qualified as those kids who got into a&m. Tamu made a big mistake not accepting me.</p>

<p>Ok so I checked my howdy profile and the only active app was my Galveston app, does this mean I was denied?</p>

<p>It seems from other posts that when your app disappears then PSA notification usually follows. Then again, at this point, who knows?? Did your status just now change? Just wondering how late they’re working today. My daughter is still in review…</p>

<p>Seriously Tuwood? A&M doesn’t owe you anything! Why are you continuing to post here if you aren’t attending? If you are so dead set on going (which it seems to me like you still want to), then suck it up and go to Blinn. I have worked my butt off for the past year and a half to keep a 4.0 at Blinn, and I was just accepted into A&M. Sooner or later you’re gonna have to learn that everything isn’t handed to you. It’s up to you to earn it. Should you have been admitted? Obviously not, because you didn’t make it. You’re just one of THOUSANDS of HS students trying to get into A&M. There has to be a cut-off somewhere, they can’t take everyone. I understand being upset, but stop whining and DO something about it! Either go to blinn, or bother OU’s forum.</p>

<p>On topic: I moved to Step 3 on 2/22, I’m still there but Howdy updated to saying I was Admitted yesterday. So about a week from step 3 to admission for me. Major is Ag Systems Management.</p>

<p>@83, it did not change on AIS</p>

<p>Don’t think TAMU made a big mistake in denying someone who would so easily give up on something they really wanted. Stop acting like checking your AIS everyday,visiting campus two whole times, and having an uncle who played linebacker there twenty years ago should entitle you to a spot. Boomer sooner LOL</p>