<p>No wait to speak of here. There was one retired guy in front of me at the booth--he'd obviously been shmoozing the the poll-watcher for quite some time when I came in. When he saw me behind him, he hustled into the booth and voted pronto.</p>
<p>One thing that helped voting go fast was that there wasn't even a single referendum on the ballot this year. Some people get in there without realizing it's going to be there, then they take forever reading all the fine print, figuring out what it means, and deciding which way to vote.</p>
<p>Sorry to say that I drove to the polls. It's a 25 minute walk with no sidewalks along a road where cars whiz by (and sometimes the cars force you into the drainage ditches.) Just not very pedestrian friendly! It's less than a 5 minute drive. I did get to see pretty foliage and contented cows grazing along the way to the polls.</p>
<p>Has anyone else been getting a record number of calls with recordings of politicians and others reminding you to vote? They started calling on Sunday. Senatory Clinton has "called" our number twice today already! So did Caroline Kennedy. And a host of local pols too.</p>
<p>It's really rather annoying. </p>
<p>We've only been getting calls from Democrats, so obviously they've checked the registration records. If they checked a little more carefully, those records also show that my husband and I have voted in every single election since we moved here 15 years ago, off years and all. We live in a place where local and state offices are staggered so that we're voting on town offices every odd year, voting on at least some state offices every even year. </p>
<p>We're reliable as clockwork about voting. (Hey, we're homeschoolers! Studies show we're more likely to vote! My youngest actually loves to go to watch debates for local office. It's fun and eye-opening. We often have lawn signs. We've had friends run for local office and have helped their campaigns.) We really didn't need dozens of recorded phone calls reminding us to vote! </p>
<p>We're not even in a swing state! And none of the other offices are seriously up for grabs except for county judge, where there is no incumbent. All the other ones are pretty clearly going to stay with the incumbent.</p>
<p>So, why the Democratic Party organizers are seeing fit to spend all this money on spam phone calls (and interrupt/disrupt the life of us citizens so many times) is beyond me. There MUST be a better use of the money! </p>
<p>If I didn't have a daughter away at college and elderly parents in poor health in another state, I'd just stop answering the phone today! But you never know when someone could be trying to reach you in an emergency.</p>