How long does sending ACT/SAT scores usually take?

How long does sending ACT/SAT scores usually take? I sent my scores on Nov. 18th for both (i sent ACT with “priority”). Do you think they received them?

Typically ACT sends scores by no later than a week after an order, priority is faster although you should have checked first with any college to which you are applying because many state they want you to use only regular delivery for sending any scores (SAT or ACT). SAT typically sends scores within an average of 3 or 4 business days after an order.

Note that both say it can take longer and it sometimes does. Moreover, if you took writing with the ACT, which is a score that might come out after you get the section scores, ACT sends nothing until you have your writing scores.

Note that different practices apply if you have identified a college in your test registration to automatically receive scores upon release, i.e., ordered scores sent before you even get them, four of which are free sends. In that situation for SAT, the scores are usually sent one to two business days before you even get them online. For ACT, they are sent the same day as release (or release of writing score if writing score comes out after the section scores)

For practically all colleges, scores are now sent electronically and thus the date of sending is actually also the date of receipt. However, the college has to download the scores and match them to the applicable application files, and how long that takes after the scores are received varies among colleges, anywhere from less than a day to two weeks depending on college, and thus your online application file with a college may not show receipt of test scores until some time after they are actually received.

@koolguy654 - check the portal to see if it was received. No one here can tell if your scores were received or not!. If it still shows “not received” - check the order history for when it was processed or fulfilled.
FYI - my ACT orders are going out within a day or two, but my SAT order took over 3 weeks.
Also - no need to use rush, because almost all colleges are electronic with both ACT and SAT.

Here is the link for SAT delivery dates It can take universities up to 2 weeks to update their info.