How long is to long? (Common app essay)

<p>I am writing my college application essay for the common app and I am at around 1500 words? I think when I finish it it will be around 2000... is there something wrong with it being so long? or is it fine?

<p>There’s a reason there’s no maximum—the college wants you to figure that out for yourself. If the thing is 2000 words and it’s amazing, I don’t think adcoms will care. However, if it’s fluffy and wordy at times, it might hurt you, since many colleges say the essay is a way to see how you organize your thoughts and be able to express it in _____ amount of words. The rule of thumb is 400-600 words, a little more is okay. If you’re feeling doubts about your essay, you should probably cut it down a bit.</p>

<p>There is no maximum, but something that long (that’s what she said) will be looked down upon. Admissions people are reading hundreds and hundreds of essays. An essay that takes almost three times longer to read than average will not bold well. The ONLY EXCEPTION IS if your essay is absolutely amazing then clearly they won’t care. but i will tell you that it is really really difficult to keep a readers attention that strongly for over 1500 words. Good luck!</p>

<p>If its worthy of a Pulitzer, and there’s no possible way your essay can retain its eloquence by curtailing words and sentences, then it’ll work.</p>

<p>Only if it’s pure genius should it be that long… Try to cut out the wordiness. Most CA essays are 500-650 ish</p>

<p>I would definately try to shorten that up…
unless every single word of those 2000 are necessary for your essay to get to the point and express yourself (and I’m thinking they aren’t), then cut off at least 1000 words. Admissions officers are going to get really tired of reading that long of a college essay, no matter how wonderful it is. YOU are supposed to choose your maximum, but for decent guidelines i would say…
Nothing less than 500 (otherwise it might seem a little half-***ed) and nothing longer than 1000 (usually means there’s FLUFF.)
good essay would be between 500-700 words.</p>

<p>I like arduouspallor’s answer because it sums up exactly what an adcom told me on a visit.</p>

<p>I think it is a strong essay, the topic is definitely strong and not usual, my counselor told me it was a very good essay. English is not my first language so I am kind of confused about it. It is about a personal experience I went through last year and it is something very complicated and lasted a whole year so it is hard for me to make it short, what do u think?</p>

<p>I would not say every sentence is grammatically correct, that could be a weakness. But other teachers and counselors that have read it have told me it is very emotional and strong so their advice was not to shorten it. I am just seeing what other opinions I can get so thanks for your advice.</p>