How long were your AP GOV essays?

<p>3 sides per question. I absolutely rolled through those essays.</p>

<p>1 front of a page per question. Kept everything succinct.</p>

you actually get the physical green books back?


<p>your teachers get them back.</p>

<p>I wrote 2.x for each question. I b-s'd. A lot.</p>

<p>I wrote 3 essay formats, and for one of them, I wrote a paragraph for each part ((a), (b), etc.).</p>

<p>I wrote about 10-11 pages. 12 pages if you include the THIS IS SPARTA!!!!! that took up an entire page. I crossed it out of course, since they don't grade anything that is crossed out.</p>

<p>what was the format of the ap gov test?
only 4 essays?</p>

<p>It's four questions. But, it's more like ...3-5 points within it. </p>

<p>It's not an essay. More a short little bit directly answering the question. Like, they ask for a definition, you have to define it. No if, ands or buts..</p>

<p>I'm not planning on spartaing until english lit. then I plan to let it fly, with fireworks and all that good stuff.</p>

<p>lol at question 3, i wrote so much</p>

<p>US Gov = 13 pages
Comparative = 18 pages (had to get extra sheets of paper)</p>

<p>Man, my hands are sore :(</p>

<p>Y'all are crazy. About half to three quarters of a side for each.
4 sides...but if you were to combine them...2-3....</p>

<p>about 1 1/2-2 pages per question, 8 total</p>

<p>Wow, I write pretty big, but I still filled up about 11 pages. Now I feel like I rambled...darn!</p>

<p>I did 1.5 pages each, two pages for #2.</p>

<h1>1 - 1.5 pages</h1>

<h1>2 - 2.5 pages</h1>

<h1>3 - 1.5 pages</h1>

<h1>4 - 1.25 pages</h1>

<p>I felt like the prompts this year were... um... not very Government oriented x_x I found myself constantly thinking back to APUSH and Econ principles.</p>

<p>^ I have to report you to College Board</p>

<p>Vivi didn't say anything specific that related to the questions. Thats like saying that I had to think about American Government as I tried to do #1-4.</p>

<p>I can see in #4 the APUSH lol thou...I honestly don't know what the collegeboard was thinking when they put together this test, you would have to be retarded not to be able to get at least a 3 on this test.</p>

<p>hmm... hopefully the curve wont be too high
it wasnt that bad</p>

<p>I feel really confident about my MC, #2, and #3.</p>

<h1>1 and #4 weren't that good, though.</h1>

<p>I wrote 1-1 1/2 sides per question. I successfully bs-ed 3 We never covered it in class, but i looked it up afterward, and i got it mostly. I'm glad its over. It wasn't as bad as I thought.</p>