How long were your AP GOV essays?

<p>vivi, sounds like you're gona do well on the economics exam ;). I thought #1 and #4 were easier than #2, and #3 haha...just like mandi_4ever, thou, I looked up what I put for #3 and it made sense...still I should be okay.</p>

<p>Yeah I def. thought 3 was the hardest, but they weren't that bad overall. 2 pages per.</p>

<p>I was amazed how easy the free response were... a lot of ppl seemed to have trouble with #3 cause of Fiscal policy... I got it right on the spot :)
I am pretty confident in my answers...</p>

1 front of a page per question. Kept everything succinct.


<p>Yay, I'm not alone.</p>

<p>What is with all these people writing 12 pages? o_____o</p>

<p>According to Kaplan only 5.6% of the people who take this exam get a 5. How is this remotely possible? The curve is just like other APs, >75% raw score is a 5, >60 is a 4, etc. Is it honestly possible for real human beings who have taken the class NOT to get at least 4's on the test?</p>

<p>same here... I did about 1 - 2 pages on each. I knew the material, so my answers were pretty direct and didn't require a bunch of B.S.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know Econ a lot better than Government, that's for sure. I actually found #3 -easiest- to answer, but couldn't write down everything due to time constraints, haha.</p>