How Many AP's have (will) YOU taken (take)?

<p>by end of senior year:</p>

<p>World History
U.S History
European History
Human Geography
Calc AB
Micro Economics
Macro Economics
U.S Gov
Comparative Gov
English Language
English Literature

<p>Thats 13</p>

<p>marymary: 5 people isn't enough to fill a class? last year, there were 2 people in the AP bio class and 2 people in the IB bio class and they still ran the classes instead of not having one at all like your school.</p>

<p>We have a really small school and not enough teachers to go around. Because there were two AP Bio classes this year instead of just one, the science classes got really juggled around. The Earth & Environment teacher is teaching biology classes and the physics teacher has an E&E class. </p>

<p>AP classes aren't considered essential classes, so they are supposed to have at least 10 people... sometimes they will make an exception and have as few as 8, but 6 people is definately not enough for a class. That's the great disadvantage of such a small, understaffed school.</p>

<p>We used to have an AP Euro also, but there were only 4-5 students signed up to take it, so they cancelled it.</p>

<p>I feel so non-competitive. I would have only taken....
Ap World
Ap Gov
AP English</p>

<p>Our AP Bio teacher (science dept chairperson) also teaches IB Bio and also took two standard bio classes. Another bio teacher who teaches standard bio has the APES classes. Our AP Physics (C) teacher also teaches IB Physics and 2 honors physics classes. Our AP Chem teacher also teaches IB Chem with a few honors chem courses on the side. Basically, all the good teachers teach both AP and IB at our school</p>

<p>Canadia: er, most people don't go to rich schools where APs and IBs are offered in abundance. Here we need 9 people for a class (medium school, 1200 students), but the real problem is actually getting someone to teach it or convincing that it is worth being taught.</p>

<p>Yes, that is true. Our school is approximately 800 kids and last year, there were only 2 kids in the AP Bio class and 2 kids in the IB Bio class. This year, there is not IB Bio class because no one in the program signed up for it. As long as there's a teacher willing to teach it, 2 students should be enough to run a course.</p>

<p>Everybody whose school offers 10+ APs has no idea how lucky they are. My school offers only 3, i'm taking all 3, but I feel severely disadvantaged</p>

English Lit
US Hist</p>

<p>But the thing with my school is that there are so many restrictions and prerequisites for AP courses that it's hard for the majority of people to take more than 10. I think I'll probably get 8 in by the time I graduate.</p>

<p>AP's I will have Taken by Graduation:</p>

<p>AP English Lit
AP English Lang
AP US History
AP Physics
AP Latin 4
AP Psychology <em>fighting with head counselor to bring back the AP teacher</em>
AP Government</p>

<p>7 AP's and about 12 Honor's classes-God I'm gonna die! Please God take me now!...j/k</p>

<p>me well i got a few Ap classes
AP Englisho
Ap AZ/ US nHistory
AP Spanishl
AP Biology \
and also a few honors
honors spanish
honors chem
honors english
honors physics</p>

<p>7 out of 8 possible. I'm not messing with AP spanish.</p>

<p>AP World History
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Calc BC
AP US History
AP Govt
AP English Lang
AP English Lit
AP Spanish Lang
AP Spanish Lit
AP Statistics</p>

<p>AP Chem
AP Bio
AP Physics
AP MacroEcon
AP MicroEcon
AP World History
AP US History
AP Euro History
AP US Govt
AP Eng Language
AP Comp Science
AP Eng Literature
AP Calc BC</p>

<p>So...13...maybe 14 if i'm up for Physics C</p>

<p>Calc AB
Spanish V
US Gov
English lit
Physics C: eletricity and magnetism
Physics C: mechanics
Euro History
US History</p>


<p>I took Euro last year (got a 5). This year: Language and Comp., Bio, and US. Next year: Spanish, Calc AB, Physics, Literature, and Gov.</p>

<p>i feel like this is just an ego booster.
but ill have taken bio, us history, stats, econ, eng lang, eng lit, enviro, calc ab, spanish, gov and a buncha honors... so that's 10 ap's</p>

<p>gonna take 20+ by hs graduation</p>

<p>none =D</p>

<p>My school doesn't offer any, but if i have time, I'll study for the biology one and take it.</p>

<p>Already took: AP Bio over summer
Junior year: AP Chem, AP Physics B, AP Psych, AP English Lang
Senior year:AP English Lit, AP U.S. Government (new class), AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics </p>

<p>So that totals 9.</p>