This is on a 4.0 scale, and a Bachelor’s degree. I know I don’t need to graduate with a GPA that high, but I want to see if I can. I guess I just like challenging myself. I just completed my freshman year, and took 10 classes. I got A’s in all of them. So with those aside, how many B’s can I afford to graduate with an overall 3.8 GPA? How many B’s to graduate with a 3.9? Thanks everyone!
It’s going to be more complicated to calculate if the classes are worth different amounts of credits (see link for online calculators above). If the classes are all worth the same amount of credits, it’s just a weighted average:
(# A’s x 4.0 + # B’s x 3.0)/(# A’s + # B’s)
You have a 4.0 so far. That’s a great start. Try not to worry about how many Bs you can afford, just keep doing they best you can.
The simple way is to take the number of credits (130 in the example) you will have at graduation and multiply by the delta from 4.0:
(130 credits x .1) = 13 credits worth of B’s to get a 3.9
(130 credits x .2) = 26 credits worth of B’s to get a 3.8