<p>Ive heard honors physics is bad. It's designed to give people like you a challenge. I wouldnt worry about CS or into to engineering if youre a pure physics major.</p>
<p>norcal, can you list the classes that you took in your four semesters at cornell? Thanks.</p>
<p>Aren't I paying for a challenge?</p>
<p>If you think that the personal growth you will achieve from a "good challenge" outweighs the value of having a high GPA, then i suppose that reasoning will stand. Good luck getting future employers to see that line of reasoning. Oh wait, i forgot, you're a physics major, you won't have a future employer anyhow.</p>
<p>I've taken:</p>
<p>Freshman Year:
Chem 215-216 (this was a mistake. should've taken 207/208)
Bio 101-104
Math 213 (Calc III)
Math 221 (Linear Algebra)
Spanish 209
Writing Seminar
I'm forgetting something but can't remember what</p>
<p>Sophomore Year:
Organic Chem 357-358
Organic chem lab 251
Physics 101-102
Biochem 332
Evolutionary bio 278
American History 154 (had to get crackin' on those A&S elective requirements)
Asian American Studies 110</p>
<p>Norcalguy, you say it was a mistake to take Chem 215-216. My situation is a bit different, as I'll probalby be majoring in AIM and minoring in bio. I didn't consider 215, but do you think 207-208 would be unnecessary for a non-science major? I could take 206 instead, but if I want to minor in bio, I may* need two semesters of chem (plus I have two years of HS chem under my belt, 206 may bore me). Your or anyone's input would be appreciated.</p>
<p>*I say "may" because the bio minor requirements won't be posted for another two weeks, according to the department.</p>
<p>As of now I'm signed up for:</p>
<p>Chem 207
Econ 101
AEM 120
BEE 102
AEM 101 (maybe, if they let me in as not pre-enrolled AEM, 1 cr)</p>
<p>"If you think that the personal growth you will achieve from a "good challenge" outweighs the value of having a high GPA, then i suppose that reasoning will stand. Good luck getting future employers to see that line of reasoning. Oh wait, i forgot, you're a physics major, you won't have a future employer anyhow."</p>
<p>Don't be cynical. I'm here to learn, not to leave with the most money. Other schools could have given me that...</p>
<p>AJKates, I think you'll be challenged in 207/208. 95% of premeds take that class to fullfill their chem requirements so I'm sure you'll get lots of competition in that class. At the same time, it's relatively easy to get an A if you work hard. I certainly wouldn't take 215-216 in your position but it sounds like you have quite a bit of HS chem coursework. In that case, 207-208 is appropriate. </p>
<p>I also have a friend who went from 206 first semester to 208 second semester. I suppose that's also an option.</p>
<p>Thanks for the input Norcalguy. I guess I'll stay signed up for 207 now, and if the course seems too difficult AND I find out I really don't need two semesters of chem to minor in bio, I'll drop back into 206. However, I don't foresee either of the two aforementioned situations coming to fruition. I had a lot of trouble choosing courses, but now I have my first two semesters laid out on paper, which is somewhat comforting.</p>
<p>jerew- I encourage you to try honors physics. If it turns out to be too hard, you can always drop down to normal physics.</p>
<p>towerpumpkin- I don't recommend you take more than 16 credits, especially your first semester at Cornell. You'll want to spend your time making friends and meeting people, not holed up in books. Maybe after your first year, you can add extra classes. The most I ever did was 20 credits, and it was killer.</p>
<p>Kudos to you.!!!!!!!!111</p>
<p>Nah, it's not that impressive. I've taken some tough classes but not a lot of credits. I'm not even on pace to graduate on time right now since I only have 58 credits through 2 years.</p>
<p>OOO SHOOT, my bad, i thought u took all of those freshman year, MY BAD!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Sorry, I counted wrong. It would be 23: Math (4), AEW (1), Physics (4), Engineering Seminar (3), PE (1), Language (6), FWS (3), and then the ENGRG150 thingy (1). I do, however, plan to drop some of these during add/drop, most likely the FWS and maybe PE. If the language does become too much, I'll drop that instead, most likely. I'm really only taking one more class than normal, and with the language, I already know most of it according to the syllabus (I'm gonna go in the lower level class so I can formally learn it).</p>
<p>I just want to make sure, though: PE doesn't have to be taken freshman year, right? Because an advising thing from the Engineering department kinda implied that everyone takes PE their first year...</p>
<p>yeah seriously. 24 is just way to much. Especially for freshmen.</p>
<p>I'm only taking 14, 15 with PE...but I already have 32 credits, so I might as well take it easy</p>
<p>Bio EE 278...is this class going to suck (as in kill me)?<br>
Chem 207/208
Math 212
Psych 101...if that's full I'm taking English 201</p>
<p>I placed out of the writing seminars, freshman bio, a bunch of other stuff</p>
<p>I had a terrible time with Bio 278 for whatever reason. It was really the only class at Cornell where I consistently got the mean on every single prelim. Consequently, I received A's in orgo, physics, biochem but only a B in Bio EE (not even a B+). The material and prelims weren't difficult (in fact the tests are about as unstressful as prelims get) so I guess it was just me :/</p>
<p>That stinks...idk, I'll pull it off if I find my long lost work ethic</p>
<p>Is 15 credits too little? Everyone else seems to be taking more than me.</p>
<p>Wow, the letter I got from the bio advising center said that they do not recommend taking more than 15 credits. . . .</p>
<p>Considering I'll be taking a research job, then I think I'm going to take their advice and stick with 15 Credits. . .although the 5 on AP Bio really helped me out.</p>
<p>So I think I'm taking:</p>
<p>Calc 191
Intro. Chem (don't remember the number)
Then I want to take an upper level biology class. I have credit for Intro. Bio, any suggestions?</p>
<p>I'm interested in Neurobiology and Behavior, and Genetics and Develpment the most I think, unless there's a really interesting class in another branch of bio.</p>
<p>I think if I'm not having any trouble doing well with 15 credits, then I will probably take Psych. 101 in addition to the 15 next semester. Since I already took a Into. to Psych course through my community college professor (but cornell won't take it because it wasn't taught at the college campus), and we covered identical material, so it would be a fairly easy grade, plus I hear the class is amazing. . . .</p>
<p>Yeah, I placed out of intro bio too and they suggested I take Bio EE 278 to fulfill the evolutionary biology requirement</p>