How many credits are you taking?

<p>Thanks Spanks!</p>

<p>Hey, that rhymed. . ..</p>

<p>I certainly wouldn't take Bio 281 (Genetics) as a freshman or even as a sophomore. This is one of the toughest, most time-intensive classes at Cornell, best reserved for when you are acclimated to the college course load. I'm taking it this upcoming semester.</p>

<p>Bio EE would probably be the best upper level bio course to take as a freshman. Not a lot of work. Easy material. Short, short prelims (depending on the professor).</p>

<p>Yeah, I heard genetics was tough too. I guess I'd be in the same boat as you guys, but since i'm not majoring in bio, I can take my eight bio credits (AP 5) and run... if I minor in it I may need to take more bio courses later though.</p>

<p>You guys can defer the difficult bio courses for a bit and stay with some easier courses (like electives, or general requirements) your first semester, since you have some bio credit. I don't think it will be easy to get A's in a course with premed upperclassmen in your first semester, but that's just my guess.</p>

<p>yeah, my thoughts were the same about genetics. . . .but I was just listing some of the different biology specializations that applealed to me that I might pursue in the long run.</p>