How many credits can apply to some colleges?

<p>I was looking at the websites for SUNY schools and saw:</p>

<p>"No more than 32 non-liberal arts credits apply to a Harpur degree."
- binghamton</p>

<p>"accepts up to 30 credits by examination in partial fulfillment of the bachelor’s degree"
-stony brook</p>

<p>What do these two statements mean. If I receive over 30/32 Credits from AP credits including (biology, economics, psych, java, statistics, physics) and from CLEP Exams (like Information Systems, Biology) and from college levels courses (like College accounting, and College Law hosted by farmingdale). Can I receive more than 30/32 credits? are these only elective credits? if so do clep exam only count as elective credits?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>I think that mainly applies to credits obtained through AP/IB testing and things of that nature. College courses which you attended, however, should have no bearing on that. As long as the credits are transferable, and you passed the course, they are real credits, not simply ‘credits by examination’. </p>

<p>I would imagine that every school has different guidelines however. Best way to make sure is to shoot a quick email to the admissions office or make a phone call to the schools you plan on attending.</p>