I have these credits from HS.. what am I exemptfrom?

<p>Not exactly an admission question but...
I will be going to community college for 2 years (get AA) then transfer to a university.</p>

<p>My question is, so generally, you need 60 credits to get AA.
I have some AP credits from high school so I am exempt to take those classes.
But then if I don't take those classes, I will have taken all the required classes but still not have 60 credits? How does that work?</p>

<p>This might be a stupid question but I'm confused about how all these credits work.
Any help/advice/comments are appreciated. Thanks</p>

<p>You get credit hours listed on your college transcript for the the AP exams they accept.</p>

<p>Yeah, I understand the part where I get the credits.
But not sure about the 60 credits hours needed. Basically, I will have all the required classes taken before I even have 60 credits</p>

<p>This isn’t making sense. </p>

<p>How many credit hours will you have from your AP exams?
Do they all apply to the course requirements of the AA?</p>

<p>Each college and university sets its own policy about which exams (AP, IB, CLEP, DANTES, etc.) to award credit for and which exams to award advanced placement for. Some institutions are very generous with credit, and some will not award any credit at all. You have to visit the website of each and every college, university, and community college that you are applying to and investigate their specific policies. Try searching for “Credit by exam” in the website’s search engine and see if you can find the information.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>64 credits I need for my AA to go into university as Bio-major are:</p>

<p>General Bio
English I
College Algebra
Organic Chemistry

<p>From my high school, I’ve gotten AP score over 3 on: English Lit, Calc I, Statistics, European History, US History, Biology and Music Theory.</p>

<p>So, already, I won’t have to take College Algebra, English, Biology, and then some more that I didn’t list. When I have all classes required done, I won’t have 64 credits. Not even 60 which is what is required for AA.</p>

<p>I am still not sure what you are saying. If you get credit for the APs you have then you should have around 23 credit hours (3 for most, probably 4 for bio and calc) for AP credit. If those all count toward your AA then you would need to take approximately another 37+ credit hours at the CC to get to the 60+ hours required for your AA.</p>

<p>Re: swimcatsmom
About the 37+ credit hours you were talking about… Apart from other required courses, would I just take kind of random classes just to fulfill the 60 hours?</p>

<p>Any credits you get based on your AP exam scores COUNT toward the total number (64) needed - altho some schools DO put limits on the # of credits you can get from AP.</p>


Most degree programs have a list of specific classes required for that particular degree. There may be some electives in there but there are not usually that many. For instance the business AS degree at our CC has just 4 hours of electives and the remaining 58 hours are all required classes (for which *some * of your credits would work, but not the English lit (6 hours of English comp are required) or music theory). You would need to check with your school for their requirements.</p>

<p>At my local CC you would take:</p>

<p>6 hours of English composition
9 Hours of Humanities/Fine arts
9 Hours of Social/Behavioral Science
22 Hours of Science/Math
19 Hours of Other Math/Science courses</p>

