How many essays should I write?

I am really freaking out about the essays because I haven’t started writing them yet, and they are due the 15th. How many can I get away with writing? Should I only do one? I am applying for Engineering.

My stats are pretty good, 4.2 W GPA, 2100 SAT/1430 SAT/33 ACT

I have a lot of well-rounded extracurriculars, so I don’t need worry about that.

I have a very strong courseload, I will have taken 10 AP classes by the time I graduate, all the rest are honors classes. I have Calculus and Physics down already.

I think you would be perfectly fine with two. You seem like a smart kid… so another 250 words just to be safe doesn’t seem like it would be such a push for you… :slight_smile:

Two is a nice sweet spot. Shows you care more than 1, but the adcomms can rejoice they don’t have another 250 words to read. If you really have something to say, go for 3 though.