How many hours of research do you do a week?

<p>I am going to be going for my MS in enginnering mechanics at UIUC (similar to mechanical engineering) and have been trying to determine whether or not i should do research under a professor. I currently work for a large company in my field and have the opprutunity to do an RA through the company, which essentially just consists of working 20hrs a week and provides the same stipend and tuition waver that you get working under a professor. My other option, which i think would learn more from, would be to do an RA under a professor. I've talked with a couple of Professor's and the projects they have proposed seem like they would require a lot more than the 20hrs a week you're supposed to do. If i were to do an RA under a professor i would still plan on continuing working 10hrs a week at the company i am currently at. I don't see this being a problem if I only have 20hrs of RA work to do under a professor, however, any more would be to much. I guess i'm curious to hear the amount of research you guys are doing when you're assigned 20hrs a week? I also wouldn't mind hearing any opinions on what you think the best RA option (through company or under professor) to pursure is for a future in the industry? </p>


<p>The rule of thumb from my experience is you get paid for half the hours you work.</p>