How Many Missed Days of School senior year?

<p>It’s really terrible that music majors are treated this way. My D drastically reduced the number of auditions she did because missing school was not an option with a major work load. Despite Peabody’s attempt to schedule auditions during school vacation week, this is not a vacation week for my daughter. They were very cooperative in guaranteeing her a spot on President’s day, although they scheduled so late in the day, she had to fly home instead of taking a late train. NU was nice to schedule her on a monday of teacher’s conference day. Many music schools scheduled regional auditions during final exam week at her school.
My only advice is to inform people about what you are doing and plan well in advance. I really don’t know how some peaople are able to schedule 12 auditions.</p>

<p>The audition dates are posted by the music departments. If you are lucky enough to get one during a break…go for it. When DS auditioned at Peabody and UMDCP, the UMD audition was on Saturday of President’s Day weekend and the Peabody one was schedule for Monday. We were SO excited…first that we had to only travel to that area once…and that they were the same weekend as a school break. BUT as you all know…the 2003 Peabody auditions didn’t REALLY happen until Wednesday of that week due to a 30 plus inch snowfall. So…the best laid plans resulted in two missed days of school for my kid.</p>

<p>I know this won’t work for everyone, but it worked for us. Son had a fall break at the end of October and we went to one of his top choices for a second visit and second lesson with his preferred teacher. The lesson was over an hour so the teacher had a really good idea how son played and what his issues were. Since we did that visit, we felt comfortable doing a regional audition for that school, which was on a Sunday and only 3 hours away. He was accepted to the school with merit money. </p>

<p>One other school also had an auditon day on a day off from school. Since he only auditioned at 4 schools, he was able to minimize time off. That being said, his school was great about days missed. It was never an issue. I think a lot of it has to do with state funding formulas. In some states, state reimbursement is based on the percentage of time kids are in school, regardless of the reasons they miss. In our state, the formula is entirely different and is based on enrollments, not attendance.</p>

<p>Any opinion whether to make visits in the junior or senior year? Same for requesting a sample lesson? Time of year make a difference? I would guess you want to visit when classes are in session? How about these offers of music student for a day? Anyone think they have enough value to attend? Temple sent one today but it looks like it is for HS seniors.</p>


<p>Students will have various experiences, but if the student is sounding good in the spring of junior year, that seems to be a good time to visit for lessons (in my experience). The material doesn’t have to be the anticipated audition rep - anything that shows off the student decently will be fine. Teachers are often less busy at this time of year than in the fall of senior year. The student’s time is also often less pressured than during fall before auditions.</p>

<p>There will be some that think fall of senior year using the audition rep is the time to request lessons. I know that’s worked for many - just not my personal favorite timing of visits.</p>

<p>Often, the availability of a potential teacher’s time will be the deciding factor. It can be difficult to find a mutually convenient time (just a warning!).</p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>Thanks Fiddlestix</p>

<p>I would think using the lesson on the audition material would be a double edge sword.</p>

<p>One professor told me they evaluate the student at that time and look for how they take advice and how easily they make corrections and remember that when audition time comes.</p>

<p>We did all of our school visitation and sample lessons in the junior year. We used fall break, election day, winter break, spring break and really never missed much school. Every school visit included at least one sample lesson. D used the same song(s) at each lesson so she could compare teachers “apples to apples.” As for using this song also for audition, most of the teachers suggested she use the song she was singing - so, good input from that standpoint. We did an Ohio swing, a NY/Boston swing, and Rochester was an election day trip. Everything is an airplane ticket for us so we had to plan carefully. Since we are already in full swing on applications, I can’t see how we could possibly be doing visitations and sample lessons in the senior year also. We really ruled out some schools so that helped to cut down on applications, too.</p>

<p>We also did all visits/lessons except one (which was done over senior Columbus Day weekend) in junior year. Senior year was insanely busy (6 days a week, musical activities until 9 or so every night) and son wouldn’t have had time. We used vacation time during sophomore (no lessons yet, just developing the list, whenever we were “in the area” of a school) and junior year for these visits. It wasn’t stressful, and we had a very good time. And we did rule out schools based on these visits.</p>

<p>In terms of missed days senior year for audition, I believe it was six—one in the fall for the “early” and five during that manic audition week in late Feb/early March. We had everything OKd with teachers/guidance/principal before we left, and he took work along (although I don’t remember seeing him do much…learning by osmosis, anyone?).</p>

<p>We first did a “trial run” in the fall of DS’s Junior year to a near-by but well respected conservatory. It was very helpful in getting acclimated to what the scene is, types of questions and discussion with the admissions staff, and the benefit of meeting the Chair of the Voice department and witnessing some lessons (not sure that is all that common, and in retrospect it was a bit uncomfortable).</p>

<p>Then during the Winter work with your student and faculty to develop a list of potential schools – I had about 15 to 20 candidate schools. I created a table showing programs they had available, degrees and other pertinent information.</p>

<p>I think it is very important to try to use winter or spring breaks to visit schools of most interest, particularly to try to determine if the student is competitive at that school. The faculty will provide that sort of feedback in the context of a trial lesson or having the student play at a meeting. DS always made an effort to meet with the Chair of the Vocal Performance department, and usually succeeeded. I urge everyone to take advantage of the resources here at CC-- for example if you are going to get the most out of a visit you need to make appointments with faculty in advance. They will be happy to meet with the student. (Note that I did not attend these sessions.) You can check calendars to figure out whether the school will be in session. We also did a trip right after school was out in early June, again pre-arranging some meetings with faculty.</p>

<p>DS spent the fall of his Senior year working on his audition CD and preparing applications. He had one audition in early December, one just before a break and another during a long spring break. As I said earlier, if he had not been admitted on the early review, he might have applied to a couple more schools during Christmas break.</p>

<p>Finally, DS spent several days at his top school (where he had been accepted) during Winter Break meeting with all the Voice faculty he could so that he could make an informed choice of teacher and be sure that this was where he wanted to be.</p>

<p>I hope this is helpful.</p>

<p>From the above posts, it looks like parents usually are going along. Has anyone ever sent off a child alone to an audition? H and I are both teachers, which means if S misses a day of school, so would we–which becomes an unpaid day of work and loss of income. We’re both using our one ‘personal’ day to attend our older son’s graduation. So, I’m looking ahead to the large number of upcoming auditions and realizing there’s no way we could afford the expense of airfare/lodging/etc. if we are also losing our paycheck for these days. Advice? S is a responsible kid, but auditions will be stressful enough without the added worry of traveling alone.</p>

<p>I went to two of the three auditions. In the case of the third, at Curtis, DS was already doing an internship in Philadelphia, so it was pretty easy for him to take off a day and do the audition. He also knew some of the other kids there from Tanglewood YAVP.</p>

<p>When I did go, my job was to be sure he was comfortable, well rested and all of that. We drove to reduce stress and cost. I also was the person who went and got more water or whatever other service was required. I tried to be in the background, but at least once was told to shove-off! That was OK, I understood. </p>

<p>The choices here are probably trying to satisfy your work needs as well as supporting your child. It is worth a discussion with your student about how they feel about going alone, whether they have traveled a lot and all that. Travel is stressful these days and things can happen. If your student is going alone, work to figure out a way to minimize the travel stress so they can keep up their health and do their best at the audition.</p>

<p>Just relinking to <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;, chock full of experiences and insights.</p>


<p>Kids travel to auditions both with and without parent - whatever parents and student are comfortable with. A hotel stay may be necessary - don’t know if age and credit card or ID could be a problem - but, I know of underage kids going off on their own and encountering no difficulties. Many of the kids that are enrolled in arts boarding schools - Interlochen, etc - travel to auditions from school without parent. There are often grad students auditioning on the same day as undergrads. They are generally own their own, so yours wouldn’t be the only one without company.</p>

<p>Does your S know anyone else doing the audition rounds? Even if not traveling together, perhaps knowing another student (possibly with parent) who will be at the same place, same time could be comforting!</p>

<p>fiddlestix makes great points. Just to expand on a couple:</p>

<p>Distance and travel logistics- air travel, train travel. Ease, comfort level getting to and from airport, mode of station to venue travel, experience in dealing with bus, subway, schedules, hailing a cab, etc. A rural, semi rural kid may feel overwhelmed in NYC, they may not. Is the student “street smart” or clueless, and are both parents and students comfortable with it. </p>

<p>Schlepping logistics- hauling a bass or cello and an overnite bag may be easier with a second body. A flute, trumpet, violin or viola will present less hassle.</p>

<p>Same with traveling by car. Are you comfortable with the driving, map reading/GPS skills of the student if they go it alone? Heavy traffic urban areas? Can they deal with a minor setback (flat, fender bender, mechanical failure?). Long distance vehicle travel can be easier by trading off drivers, sharing the time behind the wheel. </p>

<p>Many music kids are experienced travelers by middle school, seasoned vets by high school. In a number of cases there may be familiarity already with a particular venue/city through immersion or precollege experiences, concert or masterclass attendance, knowing and visiting older peers in attendance.</p>

<p>Work scheduling, family commitments, health issues, and finances all weigh into the decision. </p>

<p>Knowing your student’s mindset when it comes to past audition experiences may be a factor. This may be the first time for something of this importance, it may be just another in a series of immersion/precollege/competition type of experience. Is the student comfortable, do they need support, or would prefer minimal interference. For example, mine goes into “audition mode” about two days before: uncommunicative, pensive, reflective. Will not broach audition questions, discuss chances, potential outcomes. We saw this behavior early, recognized it and don’t hover or probe. His switch gets turned off after auditions, and he opens up again. The pattern has been the same from his first youth symphony audition, and continues now as he takes pro auditions.</p>

<p>I throw this all into the “know your kid” category. Whatever works for all is fine, and realize that the circumstances of going it alone or with a parent or peer companions might change throughout the process, depending on the variables mentioned.</p>

<p>I changed my job the year DD was doing auditions and was able to travel with her. Did what others have mentioned. Smoothed everything I could to keep distractions low, schlep stuff, was on “texting” when she wanted to. Stayed in background when requested. We stayed together in hotels and she had her night before and morning of rituals. I stayed out of the way. But I would not have traded that time for anything. We became closer and I understood so much more of her chosen life. We can never replicate that again, but it is there for us now. I know not everyone can do this, but we both feel it was a very valuable experience. BTW - She has traveled to other auditions on her own. These were different.</p>

<p>Agree with Singersmom 100%. I went on all the distance auditions (not the two local ones, because that would have been silly, actually) and also would not have traded it for anything. You rarely get that much concentrated time with these usually very busy kids, and it just provides a lot of opportunities for talking. </p>

<p>When my son was deciding about schools, he did return trips by himself, and that seemed appropriate, since he would have to manage the travel alone from then on.</p>

<p>However, we only had one air flight, and we drove to the rest of the auditions. The cost can be quite prohibitive if there are multiple cross country trips planned…with airfare, hotel and often a rental car for both parent and student. This is one more reason why I am a big fan of reducing the list size to a very manageable number, and doing some regional auditions. But if parents can go on some of these trips, you will never regret it— at least that was our experience.:)</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your advice. I know my S would handle travel responsibilities just fine. But my concern is his not having the ‘mom support system’; for auditions that he has had all through his playing career–if I’m not there accompanying him on the piano, I have been outside giving the last minute shoulder pat, sending in ‘good vibes’ and being there to support, cheer, or console afterwards. Yes, yes, I know he’ll have plenty momless auditions once he’s off to college, but I appreciate hearing what Singersmom07 and Allmusic shared. I drive him 3-4 days a week to rehearsals/lessons about 2 hours roundtrip, and have totally loved these these times together. Anyway, I guess once he narrows down his choices, we’ll make the travel decisions for each school. Thanks again for the helpful advice! The audition journey is beginning…</p>

<p>I even went to the audition with my D when the school was 5 miles away. It didn’t occur to me not to go since I had been to all the others. I loved being there with her but there were also lots of planned things for the parents while they were doing their things. There were sessions on financial aide, career opportunities, housing, etc.</p>

<p>Good point cartera. The schools usually have tours, general info, specific departmental meetings, etc planned for the parents while the kids are taking theory tests, auditioning,etc. Just some advice, if, when your son receives his audition info, check to see if there is information about what is planned for the parents in there too. If not, don’t be shy, call or e-mail the school and ask. One place did, indeed, offer some meetings and tours, but they were poorly planned and the people who were supposed to be in the know weren’t there. Another had everything planeed from a coat check room, to a breakfast for the parents in which some of the school’s admissions officers strolled throughout the room answering questions.One had a general meeting and then left you on your own, which in the dead of winter in a snow storm can mean that you are the one lugging a couple of coats, boots, and “regular” clothing, while trying to find a place to have some coffee. The days can vary widely, but make sure you know where things start and what time so that you get all you can from the experience also. That single day can give you real insight into how the “well oiled machine” operates and can make a real difference into how you feel when you finally return in the fall to leave your offspring on his/her own.</p>

<p>I agree that there is a lot of good information at the parent sessions. I learned quite a bit about financial aid and the overall decision-making at both the Oberlin and Eastman parent sessions.</p>