<p>i know that the grade curves are different for every test but in general, how many mistakes can you allow? (for CR + Writing and no omits)</p>
<p>My friends tell me that usually, a less than 5 wrong questions for CR will allow a score of 700 and around the same for Writing assuming that you score a 10 for the essay.</p>
<p>After analyzing the March 7th results, I can now offer the following guidelines for the maximum number of errors you can make on any given test and still achieve a given score level. Interestingly, the number of errors does not seem to vary much between the various sections, even though the total number of questions—67 reading, 54 math, 49 writing—varies quite a bit.</p>
<p>Okay, here goes. To get an 800, you must make no more than 1 or 2 total errors (on the reading, writing, or math sections). Nobody, even a genius, should be shooting for an 800. A great score happens accidentally on the way to a good score, so don't take too many chances. More realistically, here's the maximum number of errors you can make and still hit your target score level:</p>
<p>750: no more than 3 or 4 errors.
700: no more than 6 or 7 errors.
650: no more than 10 or 11 errors.
600: no more than about 15 errors.
550: no more than about 20 errors.
500: no more than about 25 errors. </p>