<p>5 in the city, 7 on the highway.</p>
<p>Stay in the right lane please.</p>
<p>10-15 on the island.
10-30 on the bridge
10% everywhere else</p>
<p>usually 10... I try to stay around 8 though.</p>
<p>anywhere from 15-30</p>
<p>Let's see... the last time a drove was a while ago.</p>
<p>But, when I do drive:
Speed limit on the freeways here: 55-65 MPH, I go 90-110 MPH (still get passed on GA 400)
Surface streets: 35-55 MPH, I go 60-75 MPH
During rush hour: I go nowhere... no one does.</p>
<p>street: 5-10 miles over
freeway: 10-15 miles over</p>
<p>I said 8-10, but on the interstate it's usually around 20. and I'm definitely one of the slower drivers there.</p>
<p>Wow...you guys go fast.</p>
<p>Florida is somewhat laid-back. I never go 5 mph over the speed limit. I'm not concerned with getting somewhere 1 minute faster.</p>
<p>For example, lets compare two people who are trying to get to the same place that is 20 miles away. They are traveling on a 55 mph highway. One goes 55 mph and the other goes 70 mph.</p>
<p>Using d=rt, the car going 70 mph will get to the destination 2 minutes and 12 seconds sooner than the person going the speed limit.</p>
<p>Geez, a whopping 2 minutes quicker.</p>
<p>It's not the matter of getting there faster...some people like to drive fast...and in a 30 MPH zone i just travel 70.....on the Interstates I stay a steady 90-100 MPH, one time I traveled to Pennsylvania from New York City going a steady 115 MPH</p>
<p>So you go 40 mph over the speed limit?</p>
<p>Sorry, but that is asinine. You're risking your life and other lives.</p>
<p>LOL Jman. Half of these people are lying. I mean 115 MPH, yeah right.</p>
<p>On most roads I just go the speed limit, but on the interstate (which is 70 mph here) I usually go 5-15 mph over the limit. </p>
<p>I never speed in bad weather, though. I don't care if it's only sprinkling, I'd rather not chance it.</p>
<p>...and I pretty much only go 10-15 mph over the limit when I'm passing 18-wheelers. I hate those things.</p>
<p>Jman, that's not unheard of here. We have the fastest drivers in America, in fact (average speed was found to be 75-86 MPH here, depending on the freeway, compared to 68 for the rest of the country, during non-rush-hour periods).</p>
<p>Google Alpharetta Autobahn, Autobahn 400, or GA 400, and you'll see what I mean.</p>
<p>Atlanta has crazy freeways....Aren't there 12 lanes on each side in some places?</p>
<p>usually about 15-20 over in town and about 30-40 over on the highway...i have a problem with speeding...but at least i get where i need to go on time and im never late</p>
Atlanta has crazy freeways....Aren't there 12 lanes on each side in some places?
<p>17 lanes near Delk Rd on 75, 16-18 on 75/85, 14-15 on 85 near DeKalb/Gwinnett. In general, it's no less than 10-12 lanes in major urban corridors, no less than 8-10 going towards the "fringe".</p>
<p>And, funny thing is: the 17 lanes near Delk will be WIDENED to 20-26 lanes throughout Cobb County.</p>