<p>Lots of ivy-league colleges just state that they only require any of the 2 SAT II tests. BUt does taking 3 gives you a edge over others? And should they be all different in terms of field, ie, one bio , one math and one literature?</p>
<p>3 doesn't give you an edge. unless you get high scores in all =]</p>
<p>if you take a SAT II outside of your major (like if your majoring in bioengineering and take a SAT II like USHistory) it shows the colleges your scope, something that the dean of admissions at University of Pittsburgh assured me was very, very important in college applications.</p>
<p>Do you think 5 is too much? (maybe some 800s and 750ish)</p>
<p>If you could do that well in all of them, I think 5 would sound great.</p>
<p>I don't think it really matters too much. Just take what you're required to, IMO, which would be like 2-3. Unless you're native language is, say, Spanish, and you take the SAT II Spanish (perhaps for college placement, or to win a bet, or whatever); in that case I'd take another one to "replace" it as one of your required ones.</p>