<p>Ideally, we'd like to visit every school with a BFA program :) </p>
<p>But what would be better and more economical is to try to visit as diverse a group of schools as possible. Here is what we've seen so far:</p>
Rutgers (although we just saw the overall campus, not anyone connected with Mason Gross)
Fordham (self-guided tour of buildings, no scheduled visits available, stopped by office and given a typed handout)
Columbia (BA with theater arts major, looking less attractive and less likely)</p>
<p>Spring break is coming up, and this is the proposed trip:</p>
<p>CMU--Pittsburgh fly in on Friday, tour Saturday, fly out Sunday
Emerson---performance Sunday afternoon
Emerson---tour and student roundtable Monday
BU--- info session, tour, lunch Tuesday fly to Cincinnati
CCM--tour Wednesday Fly to Chicago Wed. night
day off in Chicago Thursday
Northwestern--tour Friday Fly home (atl airport) Friday night</p>
<p>So we will have seen schools in NY, Boston, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and Chicago. We plan to take a "college day" off from school and drive up to North Carolina and possibly South Carolina. </p>
<p>Is this a good cross section of schools? Is it too "name" heavy? </p>
<p>We used to live in Florida and our son, a red-headed, very fair boy, suffered in the summers and went to camp in the NC mountains from a very early age, so he is really not interested in the FSU and SMU programs because of the weather there.</p>
<p>Any suggestions? I am open to changing this itinerary and anyone has any suggestions to squeeze in more schools, we game! </p>
<p>Thanks in advance for any replies..... :)</p>