How many students in Bioengineering?


<p>I was just wondering how many people are in the Bioengineering major overall at Berkeley.
Also, how are the class sizes for BioE classes?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Around 90 students graduate from BioE each year (over the past 4 years, it has ranged between 82-114).</p>

<p>Well the prereqs for BioE have big classes. (Biology-600; Chem-400; Physics-200; Math-300). Though, these classes also have smaller discussion sections.
The actual BioE upper division courses range from around 50-100 but most are around 50.</p>

<p>I'll be doing BioE as well. Is anyone besides me looking at UCSD over Cal for BioE? I heard Cal's BioE wasn't superb, especially since it's not ABET accredited.</p>

<p>Wait a second...Berkeley's BioE is not ABET accredited? What impact does this have on graduating with this major?</p>