how many teacher recs

<p>where on the usc website does it say how many teacher recs to send?<br>
please post url.

<p>Counselor or Teacher Recommendations
All freshman applicants should submit one Counselor/Teacher Report and letter of recommendation. You may submit additional forms and letters; however, the number of recommendations received does not factor into our decision-making process.</p>

<p>[USC</a> Undergraduate Admission - Freshman Standards](<a href=“]USC”></p>

<p>does one report + letter of recommendation = one rec from one teacher?</p>

<p>That means that your counselor needs to submit a report (the type of thing that tells what kind of school you go to etc), and then one person, counselor or teacher, needs to submit a letter of recommendation. More than one can do so.</p>

<p>Last year there were forms in the application packet to give out. You should see some recommendations forms which say, to give the counselor, another form for the teacher.</p>