How many Texas Tech TTU pre-med students go to CA med schools?

What we dont know enough about TTU is where do Premeds from TTU end up applying/admiting to Medical Schools.
We asked TTU office for stats, but they only say that most of their students go to Texas Med-schools because Texas law requires to admit 90% students from Texas residents. Now if I complete my PreMed in TTU, how does that affect my chances to get into a California Med-school? We know for med school admission, MCAT/GPA/Internships/Research/RecommendationLetters/Essays matter the most, but it seems anecdotally, the undergrad school prestige also matters. TTU obviously has much lower prestige than others.

*Can you please help me find out how many Premed students from TTU end up going/admitting to CA medical schools? *

In other words: Where do Texas Tech Pre-Medicine go other than Texas Medical Schools? How many go to California Medical Schools?

California is one of the most difficult places for anyone to gain admission to medical school. There are FAR more applicants for every medical school seat than can be accepted.

When the time comes
if it actually does
you will likely want to apply to a broad range of allopathic schools and DO schools. You are fortunate that Texas has the policy it has, but even that isn’t a guarantee if acceptance.


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Actually, I am a California resident and am considering TTU because I got admitted to TTU with significant scholarship. I am also admitted to UC Davis/Riverside. Does it make sense for me to take advantage of the significant TTU scholarship?? I mean would that in some way jeopardize my chances to get admitted to California Med schools?

Let’s see what @WayOutWestMom says about medical school possibilities
in California.

Are you a TX resident? Or a CA resident?

CA residents are unlikely to matriculate instate for med school regardless of where they attend undergrad.

CA is the largest single exporter of med school applicants in the country.


15% of CA resident med school applicants matriculated instate while 20% matriculated at OOS med schools. The rest did not receive an acceptance to any med school.

Most CA med schools do not offer a significant admission boost for in-state. (UCR is the exception. Are you from the Inland Empire by any chance?) Plus several (UCLA, UCSF, Stanford, UCSD, USC) are all highly ranked and therefore extremely competitive for admission. (UCLA receives more applications per seat each than just about any other med school the US.) Loma Linda is mission driven and only accepts student who are committed to their vision of service.

CA med schools have among the highest admission stats (GPA, MCAT) in the country–so getting a CA med school acceptance is going to be tough no matter where you attend undergrad whether it’s instate or OOS.

CA DO programs have admission stats (GPA, MCAT)that are the same or higher than MD programs elsewhere in the country


I am a CA resident. I am Considering TTU Honors college only because I got a significant merit scholarship that I needed. I also have admission into UC Davis and San Diego, but no merit scholarship obviously.

If I study in TX at TTU Honors college, I will still be considered non-Resident status for Texas,
 which means when I eventually apply for CA Medical schools, I may be considered as a Resident-Status for CA. - Do you agree with this one, I am not sure?

From your reply and the stats you shared, it seems (correct me if I am wrong)

  1. even CA instate PreMeds have a less chance to matriculate from CA medical school
  2. Texas PreMeds might have much better chance of matriculating in Texas Med Schools but much worse chance to matriculate outside of Texas.

Texas state law requires that no more than 10% of the entering classes of medical and dental schools can be made up of non-Texas residents.

Is there any similar law in CA requiring priority for CA in-state students? It seems like there is no priority but some preference for In state in some of the UCs.

The question still remains: Does it make sense to go to TTU Premed with significant aid as opposed to UC Davis/SD?
 in the big schema of the things?? Sorry, but I am pretty confused about this.
Any guidance here is much appreciated. Thank you. :pray:

It depends.

You will be a CA resident so long as your parents Iive in CA and you are still reported on their state and federal taxes as a dependent. And you only are OOS for educational purposes. (i.e. to attend college)

If you take a gap year, live & work in TX (or any other state), then you’ll be a TX resident (or whatever state you’re living/working in).

Read the TMDSAS residency determination requirements for medical school applicants.

From your reply and the stats you shared, it seems (correct me if I am wrong)

  1. even CA instate PreMeds have a less chance to matriculate from CA medical school
  2. Texas PreMeds might have much better chance of matriculating in Texas Med Schools but much worse chance to matriculate outside of Texas.

Texas state law requires that no more than 10% of the entering classes of medical and dental schools can be made up of non-Texas residents.

All of this is correct.

Is there any similar law in CA requiring priority for CA in-state students? It seems like there is no priority but some preference for In state in some of the UCs.

No. CA has no such regulation. Some CA public med schools may give some preference to instate residents, but they are not required to do so. It’s rumored that UCD shows some preference for its own grads, but I don’t know that I’ve seen this officially expressed anywhere. I suspect that any preference shown is for students who are committed to working in the Sacramento/NorCal area.

UCR does give preference to applicants who have grown up in the Inland Empire area and who intend to live and work in the region post residency.

Getting into a CA med school is difficult no matter where you go for undergrad. CA is just a really difficult state for premeds. The odds say that even if you attend UCD or UCSD you’ll end up going OOS for med school.

However, if you attend TTU, then take a gap year and establish TX residency, your odds of a med school admission don’t actually improve much, if at all.

65.5% of CA residents don’t get any med school acceptances.
But 67% of TX residents don’t either.

(Mostly because non-TX med schools are reluctant to interview TX applicants since they know they historically do not matriculate OOS due the low instate cost of med school in TX.)

(if you want to play the odds game, the state with highest instate matriculation rates are West Virginia, Arkansas, South Carolina and Kentucky.)

Personally I would find it hard to pass up the big merit at Texas Tech, but that’s a decision only you can make based on your personal circumstances.

FWIW, has a friend who attended Texas Tech on big merit and loved her time there. But she wasn’t a premed; she’s a meteorologist.

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Yes, you will be a CA resident
assuming your parents still reside in CA.

It makes every bit of sense to go to TTU with a large scholarship. Keeping your undergrad debt to a bare minimum is very important if medical school is on your future. Paying for medical school is usually loans,loans and a more loans.

Re: applying to medical school
you will likely need to cast a wider net than just applying in CA and TX. And keep in mind, you might change your mind about becoming a doctor along the way
so make sure you have a Plan B.

I know medical school graduates who didn’t apply to any medical schools in their home states. I know one who actually relocated after undergrad to a new state, took two gap years, established residency in THAT state, and was accepted as an instate applicant there.

You need to keep a VERY open mind about future medical school. You don’t have a GPA or sGPA or an MCAT score at this point.

And adding
it doesn’t matter where other TTU grads got accepted to medical school. You will be applying four years from now
and past acceptances are not any sort of guarantee of future ones.



@WayOutWestMom & @thumper1 - Thanks a lot for your help.

  1. Does this mean Non-Texas Med Schools have a ‘bias’ against Texas-Premed-undergrad applicants from Texas? It kinda makes sense because even if they admit the Texas applicant, they may not end up attending because of other low-fee offers from other Texas medical schools. Right??

  2. Actually based on your clarification above, in my case I will still be a CA Resident when I apply to medical schools out of Texas (even after I complete PreMed in Texas Tech). Does this mean I might NOT face the above ‘bias’ from Non-Texas Medical schools?

Regarding MCAT/GPA, I feel like I might have a better chance of getting a better score on MCAT/GPA at TTU because of the Honors College facilities which will not be available in a super competitive UCSD/UCD. Not sure if this is a fair assumption though.

Is it true that just having higher MCAT/GPA will boost my chance of getting in a CA medical school? I am thinking the Med schools first filter based on MCAT, then based on GPA, and so on
 and the actual Undergrad School comes last as a tie-breaker?

  1. I wouldn’t use the term biased exactly, but they know from past experiences that TX applicants are unlikely to matriculate so they don’t interview many unless the applicant indicates a very strong interest in or has some strong ties to the OOS med school.

  2. No, as CA resident you won’t face the TX resident ‘bias’. (You will, however, face “Oh, look another CA applicant” disadvantage.)

Just having a higher GPA /MCAtT won’t boost your chances at a CA in-state school. Having a strong GPA/MCAT is the baseline for CA med schools.

No one knows exactly how med schools filter. Every school handles it differently since each one is looking for different qualities in applicants.

Also it’s more than just your numbers. Everything that goes into your application is part of the filtering process. A poorly written PS, a check box list of ECs, These can tank an application as surely as a sub-par GPA or wildly uneven MCAT score.

P.S. In TX, at least, a high GPA trumps a high MCAT.

P.P.S There are no tie breakers since no two applicants are ever exactly equal in all things.

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Thank you so much ! This is very helpful.

I am desperately trying to find any example of someone studying Pre medicine undergrad at Texas Tech and then going to a CA Medical school, and am not able to find anything. I am interested in understanding how their journey unfolded.

Why? Finding out how some other student did has absolutely no bearing on what might or might not happen with you. First, every year is a different set of applicants so what might have applied to a student currently IN medical school might not align at all when you apply in at least for our years. Second
what happened in the last to one student or more won’t help you at all.

You need to get the best grades you can get. You need a strong MCAT score. You need to apply widely to many medical schools
and sure it’s ok to apply to CA medical schools. But make sure (when/if the time comes) that you have a well rounded and varied list of medical schools. Remember, most apply to at LEAST 20 programs in hopes of getting one interview and acceptance. And most do not reach that bar.


Yes, that makes sense.

Thank you very much!

Absolutely true!
Oh, and I guess you don’t seem to understand the magnitude of the numbers of students, in California, applying to med schools.

At my daughter’s UC, there were 1000 graduates in her College of Biological Sciences. That happens twice a year there. So assume a minimum of 2K grads, prepping for CA med school programs, every year from her school alone. That does not include all of the students graduating in other majors who are also planning on applying to CA med schools.

Now, multiply that number by just the UC’s, (x9 schools)=18000 grads per year.
(Don’t forget to include the students from previous years who are working on their MCATs and volunteer hours, who didn’t get in the first time.)

Don’t forget that the CSUs have 23 campuses. I don’t know how many of those students are planning on applying to CA med schools.

My daughter’s class accepted 120ish students in her year. Many of those students were from out of state.

The med schools look for those students who gel and fit together because they will be working together under very stressful conditions.

My daughter’s class was very tight and supportive especially since they were present in the hospital when Covid brought in a cruise ship full of patients to San Francisco.

California does not have a plethora of med schools. A number of her classmates, in her undergrad program, did not get in. If you don’t have the right grades, scores, LOR’s, foreign language fluency, and hours with the medically indigent, your chances will be extremely slim in California.

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Adding up applicants from all UCs comes up 5413.
According to AAMC Data : “Undergraduate Institutions Supplying 50 or More Applicants to U.S. MD-Granting Medical Schools, 2021-2022”, the total @ of CA applicants comes up 6,205. This includes all UCs and colleges in CA with at least 50 or more applicants. Add up another about 800 applicants from other colleges in CA (because AAMC data doesn’t list all colleges with <50 applicants). Some portion of these applicants come from OOS ( OOS students studying in CA school and applied to any MD schools).
I agree with you on the competition in CA for med school admission. A majority of CA students go OOS for MD school compared to the number of students admitted in-state. This situation is quite opposite for many other states.
Good luck to your daughter.

Thanks! She was admitted to the med program at UCSF several years ago and has since graduated.

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