<p>What's a good number of times to take the SAT? I have All A's and am currently #1 in my class. I've heard that if I take the SAT and get an above average but still under par score for Columbia (eg. 2150) it is best to keep that score and say the reason I didn't get a higher score was because I felt sick, nervous, etc. and cite my good grades as proof. Is this an effective strategy or should I try until I get above a 2300?</p>
<p>Um, I think the key to SATs is just make sure you’ve got 700 or above in each CR, M, W…To answer the question about the number of times, don’t take it any more than 2-3 times. This question was asked at a Columbia orientation that I attended, and the adcom just said that yes, studies have shown that taking it again can significantly increase your score–say about 100 points–but after that, are the little 10 point increases, and the adcom does not need to see that…it would be a waste of time actually. So my advice…at least twice, but if you’ve secured a 700 or above in each of the respective sections, don’t be too worried–I think Columbia is a school that stresses EC and essays over test scores, and look at the ED Class of 2013 thread to see the stats of those accepted, deferred, and rejected–might help you relieve yourself a little at least. </p>
<p>In any event, good luck! Hope to see you next year!</p>
<p>thanks for the advice. i’ll still study hard for the first time i take it but if i don’t get a good score ill be sure to retake it.</p>