<p>How many Trustee Scholarship candidates does USC select to attend ExploreUSC and the interview? Also, how many ultimately get selected (percentage wise?).</p>
<p>Also, if someone were to be interviewed for a Trustee but does not have an excellent interview, is it possible for the person to be "dropped down" and receive a Presidential? Or is it all or nothing.</p>
<p>For number of candidates you can check the max number of places in the two Trustee Explore sessions. If I remember correctly in 2008 there were 150 (or was it 125?) places in each of 2 Explore sessions. </p>
<p>I believe they offered the scholarships to between 50% and 75% of interviewees, so between 150 and 225 were offered the Trustee. I think the figure was close to 200. Remember that a proportion of students who got it, do not matriculate and go elsewhere.
Depending on the interview, Trustee candidates can get either the Pres or Deans instead, and sometimes a Pres can be bumped up to Trustee or end up getting the Deans.</p>
<p>Speaking only about the Trustee process, I recall it being 175 each session last year, too swoopes. Not sure if they fill every single spot, though. My memory is they have something like 300-350 candidates for the Trustee and offer it to about 175-200. In the figures reported by USC (shown above in Sequoia’s post), 128 accepted the offer and matriculated to USC. These are top top kids, and most are also accepted to other highly selective universities and programs, too. Come April, it can be a difficult choice for some students, and an easy choice for others. All things considered, a lot do choose USC, and there are many many stories of kids turning down Harvard, MIT, etc, etc, etc for USC. Of course, some don’t. ;)</p>