how miami REALLY is: asking current students

<p>hey, so I'm officially going to UM next year, and I'm so excited. I was wondering if current students could please fill out this survey... it would be much appreciated!</p>

<p>honestly how are/is the...
work load:
club scene/night life:
greek life:
students in general:
professors in general:

<p>other questions:
favorite thing about UM?
what's the university's biggest downfall?
what's the stereotypical Miami student like?
overall, are you happy you chose to attend?</p>

<p>Just transferred to UMiami for spring 2008 semester (second sem of freshman year for me)</p>

<p>honestly how are/is the...
academics: Amazing
work load: Moderate
food: "You'll definitely crave for mom's meatloaf"-stole from
dorms:freshman definitely want the TOWERS (HECHT/STANFORD). In Hecht, McDonald Tower is better I feel.
boys/girls: Gotta watch your back. Lots of rich snotty kids, but there are plenty of middle-class down to earth kids to make up for that.
club scene/night life: BIG CLUB SCENE (SO BEACH/ THE GROVE)/ NIGHTLIFE: ehh...came from MD, and it's def. weaker at MIAMI if you do not have alotta money to spend on clubs. Very few house parties and frats are really dick to guys if you are not a brother, you can't party.
greek life: Decent...not very big GREEK school but its decent
sports: Very school-spirited during football season, Basketball season was kind of a disappointment compared to the TERPS bball fans. Really good baseball team too, #1 in the country
students in general: above average as shown by the admission average stats (4.0+, 1300+)
professors in general: Amazing. Always there for the students and care more about teaching than giving out grades, LOVE THAT!
campus: very peaceful, serene and quiet. Laidback campus.</p>

<p>other questions:
favorite thing about UM? academics
what's the university's biggest downfall? quality of kids/ nightlife
what's the stereotypical Miami student like? jock/beach babe...drives an expensive car and spends heavy amounts of money on liquor and clubbing.
overall, are you happy you chose to attend? Yes...very! Though for graduate, I want to go to a school with less self-centered students.</p>

<p>Finishing up freshman year...singer scholar//foote fellow...</p>

<p>academics: 101 classes are what you can expect, but the upper-level classes have amazing professors
work load: not too bad, but writing courses can get tedious with lengthy essays
food: food at the dining hall is alright...not as bad as people can make it out to be, and there's SO much around the school that you don't need to rely on the dining halls for every meal
dorms: not bad, freshman dorms give you a group of friends on your floor from the start, rooms aren't huge but they're not bad
boys/girls: every group's represented...a lot of the guys are smart and down to earth, a lot are douchebags, a lot of girls are smart and down to earth, and a lot are sorta trashy
club scene/night life: not my scene at all but if you want it this is the place
greek life: not overwhelming, and it's much more a social outlet than anything, no pressure to join but if you want to it's definitely a good thing to do
sports: football's incredible, dolphin stadium is absolutely gorgeous, basketball is a huge surprising gem here, and baseball is number one in the nation, how can you complain?
students in general: kids who know how to balance partying and academics (most of the time...)
professors in general: the ones i've had really care about their students wellbeing and promote learning and questioning in and out of the classroom
campus: gorgeous, lake in the middle of campus, incredible trees and some cool animals all over</p>

<p>other questions:
favorite thing about UM? community feel, tons of activities promoted by the school on campus all the time (movies, concerts, etc.)
what's the university's biggest downfall? It doesn't interfere with my life, but i could do without the club scene
what's the stereotypical Miami student like? 20 year old half-Jewish kid who grew up in South Florida, went to public school and finished in the top 5% of his class
overall, are you happy you chose to attend? sure why not</p>

<p>just finishin up my freshmen year</p>

<p>honestly how are/is the...
work load: really depends on ur major but there is plenty of studying to be done and also plenty of time to have fun. i think its perfect.
food: like the poeple say its not bad but you do get sick of it. i eat the same stuff all the time but the food around the city is fabulous.
dorms: Get in the towers as a freshmen. and get Hecht. Not only is it nicer but the people are much more social and outgoing. i have friends who did not enjoy stanford at all.
boys/girls: u will have no problem finding friends and poeple like you. But it is true that you get the stuck up poeple.
club scene/night life: im not a huge clubber but it is fun to go every once in a while. as im sure uve heard, thursday nights down here in the grove are awesome.
greek life: ehh not that big here but is a good route to go
sports: incredible
students in general: much more smart than i anticipated.
professors in general:the best part of this school. they always have time for you.

<p>other questions:
favorite thing about UM? location. the city of miami is an incredible place. there is no doubt ill be ready to get out of here after 4 years but u will grow to love this city and the culture
what's the university's biggest downfall? tuition
what's the stereotypical Miami student like? ehh really theres every type of person here prolly like ur high school was.
overall, are you happy you chose to attend? YES!!</p>

<p>thanks guys this was helpful!
hah, phoampiper... you made me laugh
I'm a half-Jewish kid who grew up in South Florida, went to public school and finished in the top 5% of my class</p>

<p>I'm getting really excited for the fall. my only concern is the snobby steryotype. I like to go out and party, but fake people definitely aren't my thing... although I know that there will be many students that do not fit that mold... still.</p>

<p>honestly how are/is the...
academics: not the best obviously, but very, very good and on the way up every year. amazing music, architecture, business and communication schools and a great marine science program.
work load: not bad, it depends on your major and your classes. fall semester i didn't have time to breathe, this semester i had like no work. it's college, it's going to be about the same everywhere.
food: i like it. i mean, it's college food, but it's far from the worst. everyone complains about it because they like to complain, but i've visited friends at other schools and their food wasn't edible. it gets boring, but overall it's not bad at all. for college food.
dorms: suck. freshman dorms are big for freshman dorms and the closets are HUGE. big plus. but the newest dorms on campus are the freshman towers built in the mid-60s. upperclassman dorms are awful and the on-campus apartments are falling apart. freshman dorms are fine, but i would move off campus after freshman year.
boys/girls: some hot guys, but a lot of dorky guys who think they're cool because they go to umiami. sorry, but it's true. girls are hot, lots of competition.
club scene/night life: it's MIAMI! hello. south beach and the grove, you can't beat it anywhere.
greek life: not the best greek life ever, but i'm in a sorority and i love it. i would at least rush in the spring and try it out and if you don't like it you could always drop. but at least give it a chance.
sports: once again, it's MIAMI! our baseball team is currently ranked #1, our basketball team made it to the second round of the tournament and is getting better every year. our football team has sucked lately but they're definitely going to improve while you're in school. you can't beat the athletics at the U.
students in general: lots of rich spoiled brats. lots of bmws and lexuses around campus. lots of down to earth amazing people too. you'll find your crowd. what i've noticed though is that everyone is smart. like you'll meet someone and think they're the dumbest person ever and then you'll have a class with them and they'll get straight a's. people think just cause it's miami everyone's dumb and people slack off, but people are actually very smart and hard-working.
professors in general: some good, some bad. the usual. can't complain.
campus: gorgeous! the buildings are old and gross and there's lots of construction going on right now, but you can't beat the palm trees and the fountains and the lake!</p>

<p>other questions:
favorite thing about UM? school spirit and athletics. my favorite thing ever.
what's the university's biggest downfall? old buildings and dorms. we need new dorms so desperately and that seems to be on the bottom of the administration's to-do list. and housing is so expensive in miami so it's either live in ****ty dorms or pay a fortune to live off-campus.
what's the stereotypical Miami student like? i hate stereotypes. there are all different types of students at miami.
overall, are you happy you chose to attend? i LOVE my school. congratulations! you are so lucky you get to attend the U :-)</p>

<p>hope i helped and good luck!</p>