<p>I'm just wondering how much of a say coaches have on who gets accepted to CMC. If they have recruited an anthlete and are interested in them are they able to essentially "protect" them and make sure they are accepted?</p>
<p>I'm just wondering how much of a say coaches have on who gets accepted to CMC. If they have recruited an anthlete and are interested in them are they able to essentially "protect" them and make sure they are accepted?</p>
<p>Nope. The coaches have told me that they can send over to the CMC Admission Office the coach’s evaluation of the student’s athletic ability and information on how much the coach would like (or not like) to have that applicant on the team. That information is included in the applicant’s file and gets read by the Admission Committee. But the Admission Committtee denies the applicants it decides to deny no matter how much the coach might want to have that athlete if the student’s academic profile is not up to CMC’s standards. This is Div. III, not Div. I.</p>