How much do SAT scores improve over the year?

<p>I am a junior who took the SAT for the first time this december. Although I was very pleased with my CR (800) and W (780) scores, my math was very dissapointing to me (670). I was wondering, generally speaking, how much SAT scores improve from when juniors begin testing to application time.</p>

<p>Also, what is the best way to improve my math score? I have taken countless practice tests and am good at math, yet my score has only improved 70 points since freshman year (depressing yes). Any suggestions?</p>

<p>wow! congrats on your amazing CR/W scores!! I would die for that CR score…seriously…
Math is pretty easy to improve. You have to be REALLY really focused and careful during the test. My M score only went up 20 pts (hahahaha) from soph year. and it actually went DOWN 4 points on my PSAT from soph to junior year.
But when I look at all the answers I missed I want to hit myself in the head because i totally know how to do them.</p>

<p>So just review concepts you’re not familiar with (I personally suck at geometry) and then take the practiec tests seriously and make sure you’re not making any careless mistakes. Leave plenty of time at the end to check over your work. ALL of your work.</p>

<p>But really, your score is really not bad! If you can just improve your math to 700+ you’ll be good to go! Good luck!</p>