How much do withdrawals impact graduate applications?


<p>I'm currently a second semester Junior, Computer Science major. I have a 3.92 GPA. I also currently have two withdrawals on my transcript, both occurring during a single semester Sophomore year as a product of some personal/family issues. I'm considering withdrawing from a course right now, but I'm wondering how a third W will impact my graduate school (PhD, JD, MBA, etc.) applications. Even after withdrawing I'll still be carrying 17 semester units this semester, all in math/engineering courses. I'm also involved in several research projects.</p>

<p>Any input would be greatly appreciated, and thank you ahead of time!</p>

<p>Well, 1 W isn’t going to matter. 2 is going to begin to look like a pattern but may still not be noticed too terribly much. 3 Ws is starting to look like a pattern of trying a class and then finding out you didn’t want to do it or that it would be a challenge and just running from it. It discredits your high GPA because it appears you simply run from anything remotely challenging.</p>