How much do you pay for haircuts and/or coloring, etc…

I’m very lucky in that department. My mother is a massage therapist, her second career after retiring from her school district. At 85, she still practices and fits me in whenever I call. There is nothing like a massage with mom’s TLC thrown in. She only charges a hug.

This is my mom at 81. She is utterly amazing, and I am so fortunate. Not a thing wrong with her health. (Downside: People now ask if we’re sisters. I’m not aging quite as well.)

ETA: She colors her own hair.


Beautiful woman. Easily passes for 60!


Lucky you!

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That’s the problem. I’m 64.

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She is beautiful and looks way younger than her age! @ChoatieMom you got some good genes there!


No way she cuts her own hair too. I like to think that i am low maintenance but as i get older, i aspire to be well groomed like your mom. Nice outfit, coiffed hair, nails, makeup. Whatever it takes!


Your mom looks amazing!!

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She colors, she doesn’t cut. I used to cut it, but it grows so fast and she’s so busy, she just stops at Great Clips when she needs to.

My general thought is to each his/her own. As I mentioned upthread, I have hair that is “difficult”. This is not by choice. I do choose to color, as until not that long ago I was in the paid workforce. Gray hair may be trendy, cool, whatever but the business world has not gotten the memo and it’s hard enough being a woman over 50 in the office. I tried growing out my hair but it just does not not flatter me. I no longer wear makeup every day as i did when I was employed outside the home, but I do sometimes. I look a lot better with a bit of coverup, blush and mascara.
As for mani/pedi - I get pedi’s in the summer or when I am going somewhere warm in the winter. Mani’s for special occasions. Not something I want to spend time/money on regularly. But if someone else does - that’s fine with me.


I pay $65 before tip in suburban Arizona.

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I DIY my hair. It’s shoulder length and wavy. Gets a nice curl if I let it air dry instead of blowing it out. It’s easy to cut because the curl hides any uneven strands. Don’t color it. I have a few gray strands but it’s mostly chestnut brown. I’m 58, but my hair looks 38. The bags under my eyes and my wrinkles and neck give me away, though. If only people could see me only from the back! Last time I went to a salon for myself was probably 15 or 20 years ago. My 21 and 18 year old do their own hair too. My husband sometimes gets a salon cut and sometimes asks me to do it.


I pay $75 or $80 plus tip for haircut (wash and blow dry). I am too cheap to pay for professional color. I generally have about shoulder length wavy hair, but I’ve had very short and longer hair also.
I’ve been coloring my hair for 30+ years (I’m 60 and started about 25).
My hair is now close to 100% white, and my natural color is medium brown. I may have to start getting color at a salon soon, because plain dark hair doesn’t look so good on me now, and I don’t feel comfortable lightening or highlighting it myself.


She was 17 when she had you??

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@VeryHappy , @ChoatieMom said her mom is 85 and she is 64.


Around $225 for a Deva curly haircut, and color and pintura highlights every 2.5-3+ months. I don’t do manis, pedis, massages, and the like, so I don’t find it unreasonable.

Finding a hair stylist that knew what to do with my hair was an eye-opener. I fought the waves with cuts and blow-outs and I just grew tired of it. The woman who does it now is a master of all. I now have good-looking curls and beautiful color.


My kid from LA said she pays $100 for a hair cut.

Well…for me, it depends. I’ve been going to the same person for a lot of years…and she has only raised my charges a very small amount. I know I pay less than new customers to her.

A regular cut, color, wash and style is $80.

BUT I just did a whole color change, and that cost me way more because it was way more time consuming etc. I paid over $200 for that…but I really like it…so worth it.


Wow - I’m jealous. I pay $80 just for cut.
What color did you go from/to?
I know if I go lighter I’m going to have to pay someone.

From brown frosted to a variegated grey and brown. I love it