How much do you pay for haircuts and/or coloring, etc…

Average household income in my area is around 49k, so I would say anyone making >50k has a good income and > 90k is great.

I get my hair cut and a balayage for $75 and I have thick, super curly hair. My daughters get a cut for $25.

At college, my son works for spending money. He didn’t work first semester, so he used money he had saved from his HS job.

A women’s hair cut by itself where I live (city) is $75. I’ve never had balayage, but the fee for that by itself is $250.

I have thin hair all one length and it take VERY little time to cut it.

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I live in a LCOL area and my stylist works out her house. She created a small salon in her home during covid and has been very successful. I guess she could be charging more, but she stays fully booked and people around here just don’t have the kind of money to spend more than $100 on their hair.


You would probably prefer it if barbers and salons adopted gender neutral pricing based more on time and difficulty of the job, instead of the typical practice of charging women more.

However, that still would not prevent someone from spending $350 or $800 instead of $10 or $20 for a haircut. Someone who spends $350 or $800 on a haircut and spends similarly elsewhere will have a higher “good salary” threshold than someone who spends $10 or $20 on a haircut and spends similarly elsewhere.


Generalization doesn’t always work. Back in the early 80s, I made more money than both of my roommates, they had $50 hair cut, I had $6 hair cut. You can be low maintenance with high salary.
And even today, my husband can certainly pays $40-$50 a hair cut, he has very thick hair still, but he prefers the convenience of having a hair cut at home. No waiting, no appointment, no nothing.


@DrGoogle123 My husband never paid for a haircut because I cut his hair for 36 years. We are no longer married and I noticed he has grown his hair very long and doesn’t seem to have it cut. It had nothing to do with affordability.


One option that works for some men, but very few women, is to cut their own hair at home with clippers. I know several men who wear their hair short who do this. And I actually know one woman who does! All the other women I know who cut their own hair are trained stylists (including my own hairdresser).


My husband cut my hair doing the pandemic, when I went to the place that I go for cutting hair, they all said he did a good job. It’s just that I color my hair and I have to go to a shop, I don’t want to mess up my house if I do it at home.
If I live in an older home, I wouldn’t mind, but it’s reasonable new home so I need to not ruining it, hence I have to pay to have other people do it.

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I described my attempt to cut my bangs to my hairdresser - first tentative cut “that went ok,” second cut a little more “not bad,” third cut “ok, put down the scissors.” It’s definitely a skill that I don’t possess and therefore appreciate in others. I did buzz cut my 3 boys’ hair until they were old enough to care how they looked.

To balance the haircut expense, I’m really not into jewelry, perfume, more than minimal makeup, mani/pedi. Everyone has their things they spend $ on and things where they save.


Yes, we are also doing our own haircuts during the pandemic. As for the hair coloring, we just put a big plastic to catch any residue but yeah, doing it in the shop is easier.

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I stopped going to the expensive hair salon. I feel kind of bad about that, because I liked my stylist. The owners moved to a new location which is 30 minutes away instead of 15. It took up too much time. My cut used to be about $80. Now I go to a very local place and pay $50.

And like many others, during the worst of the pandemic we did our own (mostly bad) cuts. My son’s girlfriend wouldn’t let me do his hair, but I did cut my hubby’s very wavy, thick hair.

I do have a fun story though. Cutting shears were on back-order then. CVS was totally sold out too. So I bartered via the local parents’ Facebook page. I gave my long-neglected bread machine to a woman who worked as a rep for a beauty supply company. I got a lovely pair of professional shears free, valued at at least $200. And she got a working bread machine. My daughter and I then did a couple of decent cuts with the help of YouTube videos. Such nice quality, they glide through hair.


About $20

But for a brief time when I wore a flat-top in 6th grade and an attempted Fohawk in about 2012, I’ve had pretty much the same hairstyle as long as I can remember: left-side part and combover. Did did it that way, so I followed suit. (The part has moved a bit to the left since I turned about 30…)

The most daring thing I ever considered doing was this:

We were doing our summer family trip to LA/San Diego/Tijuana. I was 14 and entering freshman year of hs. I had heard that Vidal Sassoon was a fancy hair place, and I was dead set on getting my hair dyed pink and purple. My parents talked me out of it, and boy, am I glad they did. In those days, freshmen were picked on in high school, and I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been with neon locks.

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When we were first married, I cut my own long (one length) hair for several years. I didn’t care too much if it was straight. My hair is so wild, it was hard to tell either way. Then, I started going to Mastercuts every 3-4 months and I now have some layers cut in… The stylist we liked there left to another small business, so now I’m there. It costs $20-25 with tip.

When the pandemic hit, I went back to cutting my own, layers and all. H trimmed up the back a couple of times. I’ve since gone back to the stylist, but now I’m thinkin about maybe doing it myself here and there to get down to paying 2x year. We will see.

I’ve also dyed my own hair since I was 11. That’s a lot of boxes!

One thing I find odd. Nobody here has expensive hair cuts, but LOTS of women - granted they are usually older - go every single week at the exact same time to the same person. You don’t mess with their weekly appointment “At the beauty shop.” I can’t relate to that!


Much price variation in Manhattan. $50+ on UWS; $10 in Chinatown.

Now that I’m older, I look much more polished if I go to salon for blow out 1x/week.

Or worse, didn’t get cuts at all! Anyone who’s gone through that horrible “growing out a short hairstyle” phase can probably relate. :scream:

My hairstylist is past retirement age but loves her work and is still going strong, though she has reduced her schedule. When she does hang up the shears, I’ll probably pivot to somebody less expensive, as I’ll likely be retired at that time too.

I pay $120 for a cut and color. I always tip. I think it’s a huge bargain. My hair stylist is the best I have ever had! She’s so wonderful.

She owned her own salon, she worked for a major hair company as a trainer. She’s moved salons numerous times and now she has her salon in a corner of her husband’s business and has a job out of hair. She has very few clients and I’m so lucky that she keeps doing my hair.

It’s a big priority for me to have a great cut and color. I would pay twice as much in a larger city. It’s very important for me to keep my hair up.


My stylist charges $110 for a color. Cut is $80. Seems to be the going rate in a decent salon in my area. It’s double what I used to pay before we moved here. It’s been 4 years now so I’m over the sticker shock.

Does the $110 include the cut, or you are also paying the $80?

I’ve never colored my hair so not too familiar with the costs (one good set of genes from mom; I’m “of a certain age” and still not much gray).

Nope, the $110 is just the color. I started doing cuts only every other color.

I’ve had significant grey since my late 30s :frowning:

I have short hair and have been cutting it myself with shears since my DD was a toddler. I started because even places like Family Haircutters were pricey for our then-budget, yet the cuts weren’t especially good. I figured I couldn’t do much worse myself-- and ended up doing considerably better with practice.
I also cut my husband’s hair with a Wahl clipper.

I used to cut/trim my DD’s long hair but lately she has taken to cutting it herself and is experimenting with coloring it herself in off-beat colors, with variable success. :joy: She’s enjoying herself, anyway.