HOW much does being black help in admissions to Ivies?

<p>I've heard that we're only being compared to other black students. I've also heard that it doesn't help that much at all. What's the verdict for the Ivies?</p>

<p>I think it might be a little of both. Of course your scores are going to be compared to other blacks but you can not expect being black to compensate for poor test scores. Sorry if I didn’t really answer</p>

<p>~3.4 gpa uw, 2200 sat (760 cr, 720 m, 720 w)</p>

<p>SAT is good enough for your race. GPA probably isn’t.
Just think, if you were white, I could comfortably say you’d have next to no shot based on your stats. Lucky for you, you were born with dark skin.</p>

<p>^^^ What the hell?</p>

<p>I don’t like Nihility’s post. Regardless of your race, your GPA will is the most heavily weighed factor, and yours quite frankly isn’t cutting it.</p>

<p>@Nihility: GTFOHWT(R)BS.</p>

<p>@OP: Your SAT score is nice, but is there a reason why your GPA is so low?</p>

<p>lmao at LaChica post</p>

<p>The OP asked for opinions. Nihility gave an honest one. Would the OP have ANY chance at an Ivy if s/he was white?</p>

<p><em>cheers at LaChicaBuena’s comment</em></p>

<p>OP: Don’t play the race game. Do what you need to do to prove that you are smart enough to get into an IVY. Your SAT is good, your GPA is a bit low for some (or most) Ivy’s. You’ll notice that it gets annoying when people keep saying that you’ll only get into good schools because of your race. I’ve had that said to me a few times.</p>

<p>you are up against every student who applies. So work your butt off :)</p>

<p>Kind of estimated on GPA…my school doesn’t share that information with students… Could be higher or lower.
How high does a GPA need to be in order for it to be considered competitive for one of these schools?</p>

<p>GPA means nothing when I don’t know what classes you are taking, how challenging they are and whether or not you come from a competitive school. These are some of the factors that ad coms will be looking at when they skim your transcript; so keep that in mind. Seeing a 3.4GPA means nothing when I don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle.</p>

<p>Being a URM can help but not if you have nothing else to back up your intelligence or you have nothing to contribute to the school beyond just good stats.</p>

<p>OP has small chance regardless of race. Sub 3.7 GPA’s are killer… regardless of race. My brother had almost the exact same stats as the OP and he didn’t get the state school. Nobody wants a kid who doesn’t really apply themselves. Lazy genius is not a good look. Everybody needs to take a second and stop overestimating the role that race plays in college admissions. I can almost guarantee that you would be hard-pressed to find a URM with a sum 2000 SAT score who does not excel remarkably in another area at HYP.</p>