How much does IB help?

I have a choice between two high schools - one offers CBSE (Indian system) and one offers IB. Though I am currently at the CBSE one, I have the choice of moving to the IB one. The problem is that the IB school does not offer leadership positions and does not participate in most competitions, both of which the CBSE one does. And due to the circumstances, I will not be able to persue many ECAs in the IB one. The CBSE one sends a few students to the Ivies every year. I am aiming at HYPSM.
So, would you say that it is better to do IB or to do CBSE and have leadership positions/focused ECAs?</p>

<p>i am not familiar with the CBSE program. but i can tell you that the IB program is quite challenging and graduating with an international bacalaureat is always a plus.
i would go with the ib. but i really do not know about the CBSE so my advice is a little uninformed. gl.</p>

<p>It is best to go to the program that you like the best and that you’ll take the most advantage of. IB doesn’t offer any inherent advantage over the other program you’re considering. It’s not as if you’re choosing between a very strong school with an IB program and a mediocre school without an IB program. Saying this as a Harvard alum interviewer whose kids went to IB programs.</p>

<p>to be honest IB was 2 of the most stressful years of my life
college life is so much more chilled out…but I guess it kind of prepared me for it
I’m in a pretty good uni now although I think I could have gotten in without doing the IB because i would have prolly had 3.7 - 3.85 GPA unweighted if i took regular courses
IB brought me down to a 4.1 weighted GPA</p>