<p>Maybe not on CC, but on other sites, I can be a supreme dickwad</p>
<p>not to mention pretentious. On this other site, this guy was annoying me, so I graded his post as if it were a paper, corrected all his grammar and such and gave him a D lol</p>
<p>Not much more of a jerk. I pretty much act the same, except everything is MUCH more fluid and coherent on the internet since I have time to think. Oh, the sole exception is formspring, where I can be a cowardly b*tch on there when I’m angry.</p>
<p>btw, this is sort of relevant: if any of you are really angry and feel like being a ****** online, go to iam****edoff.com instead and rant. Very useful site I got rant of the month</p>
<p>oh, it got edited. Well, I’m sure you can figure what goes in the ****. I’ll give you a hint. Rhymes with diss</p>
<p>I’m pretty much the same. If you go thru all my posts here I guess you could say I act like a jerk. But IRL, I’d say EVERYTHING. Meaning it is a different thing. I’m a very sarcastic person, doesn’t seem to translate well on the interwebz. Oh and yea may have exaggerated, I don’t use internet slang IRL.</p>
<p>I heard i can be a jerk although me being a ‘jerk’ online is honestly an attempt to make friends. :D</p>
<p>Ok, i admit, i can be to some people. For the most part, i’m not and never initiate the being a ‘dick’ online thing. I just continue it, demolish the person that attacked me (with the help of others) and then make sarcastic comments.</p>
<p>i’m kinda like fightchoke. i’m definitely not a jerk in real life. but the way i say things in real life come off much more differently than the way i say them online.</p>
<p>like i’m really honest and blunt, and if you know me irl then you actually kind of thank me for this (well i’m the friend that will tell you that “yes, you do look fat in that”) then again… if you don’t know me in real life you think that i’m a. right and b. uhh candid. </p>
<p>so people probably think i’m being rude but… i’m just being honest…</p>
<p>being a jerk online is an impressive art form because it’s so easy to be mean to people when you have your internet persona acting as a shield. you really need to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to be a TRUE jerk.</p>
<p>To compensate for the absence of body language, I am generally more aggressive online than I am when speaking to someone face to face. If it’s a techie forum, I’m more likely to act like a jerk through internet slang. With CC, I try my hardest to behave.</p>