<p>I am going to be a Junior next year and this year has been slightly rough for me. I transferred schools and my grades suffered. Freshman year I had a 3.8 weighted taking the most challenging courses I could. This year I took the most challenging classes I could take except for English because my old school didn't have Honors English and my new guidance counselor didn't think I should take it. I am a hugeeeeee slacker. My grades this year go like this. </p>
<p>Honors Biology: C- as my Final Grade
Honors History: C- as my Final Grade
Honors Geometry: B- as my Final Grade
College Prep Sophmore English: A- as my Final Grade
College Prep Spanish II: B+ as my Final Grade</p>
<p>I was wondering how much this year would affect my chances on getting into some schools such as UMass Amherst, Boston College, Bentley, Northeastern, Bryant, etc. I would like to end up doing something along the lines of Computer Science, Economics, Business, or Political Science. My scores for MCAS have always been near perfect and I scored high on my PSAT's, can't remember the exact score.</p>
<p>From the schools you are listing, I guess you are from the Boston area.</p>
<p>For your first question: GPA
As the community have mentioned in other thread, college admissions look at unweighted GPA (Out of 4.0). So it depends on your current GPA, it puts you on different position. Sophomore is till 1.5 years away from college application process. If you can keep your GPA high in your junior and senior years, you should be fine. Admissions wanted to see you improve over the year.</p>
<p>For class selections:
You might want to take non-honor classes and get As in them instead of taking honor classes and getting Cs. It really hurts your GPA, and that is not what you need at the moment.</p>
<p>The very first thing you need to do is stop being “a hugeeeeee slacker.” </p>
<p>I have a hunch that if you stop that, everything else will fall into place. At least you’re honest about it; lots of us aren’t. With a high PSAT, you’re clearly not stupid, so just quit slacking and start working and everything will be fine. </p>
<p>“my mom says that it would be dumb because I would just be doing it for less work”
you just have to sit down and talk to your parents. My advice to all high school students, and undergrad is, try your best in the classes you picked, if it does not work out, drop the classes ASAP. Challenge yourself if one thing, hurting your chance to get into college is another.</p>