<p>i visited it for the first time last october and i gotta say, it is a gorgeous campus that is really well kept for its age. i went when they were giving campus tours so the place was packed with high schoolers and yet it still definitely gave off the university feel. overall, the campus is just really pleasant to be at with stuff going on all the time. i would rate it in the high 8s to low 9s</p>
<p>Well if you live like 30 minutes away, just take a trip down to SDSU, maybe take a campus tour, talk to some of the students on campus. SDSU is one of the nicest campuses i have seen, and its architecture gives off a more modern feel. The weather is always great down in San Diego, and its very close to the beach. Like i said if you only live 30 min. away just take a trip down there, especially if you plan on going there next semester</p>
<p>i visited in november and i reallly really loved it. it was nice and totally had a university feel. they even have like a bus thing that leaves from the campus and goes into downtown san diego. it was awesome!</p>
<p>the school isn’t that great, but i’d give the campus an 8 or a 9.</p>
<p>I just came back from visiting SDSU and I am very disappointed.</p>
<p>The campus isn’t as big as I thought and the buildings aren’t that great.</p>
<p>SDSU looks nice and amazing in pictures but in person, it’s a huge disappointment…
The neighborhood around the campus is pretty bleh.</p>
<p>But then again, there are people that think SDSU is beautiful so I guess everyone should visit and decide for themselves.</p>
<p>IMHO, my high school is nicer and prettier.</p>
<p>The “vibe” that I got from SDSU was pretty bad, so I’m deciding not to attend this fall. Very disappointed; I was looking forward to attending SDSU but oh well.</p>
<p>I’m surprised to hear that anybody could find the school to not be anything short of absolutely gorgeous. I recently visited (march 20th for the out of state student tour) and was extremely impressed. I’d agree about one thing though, the neighborhood just outside of SDSU is a little run-down, however the school is definitely not. It’s big but not overwhelmingly so and it’s possible to walk the campus in an hour, which i liked. I got a great vibe- everybody was full of smiles and seemed very helpful. I got to check out a few dorms, which were nice (ever Zura wasn’t too bad and I heard it was horrible. the bathrooms were actually pretty clean.) The campus is simply beautiful and you just can’t beat the location.</p>
<p>Oh that’s good. I wish I felt the same way about SDSU. I can’t stop feeling disappointed after what I saw.
It’s probably because my high school is big and nice so I expected a university to be better.</p>
<p>D goes to SDSU and husband went to SDSU, we live about 80 miles away. I used to think the school was ugly but they have done a lot of renovations over the years and I was surprised at how pretty it was after not visiting for 10 years. D loves SDSU and now lives in one of the neighborhoods just outside the school. They are somewhat run-down but you have to realize that most students live in the apts. and houses surrounding SDSU so that is why it may look a little more run-down. I have seen this at most schools that have surrounding neighborhoods that I have visited over the years (3kids:)) The neighborhoods are relatively safe and my D loves it! A lot of students.</p>