How Prepared Will I Be (US History)...

<p>if I use these two "review sheets" (<a href=""&gt;;/a> & <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;) to study for the SAT II USH? </p>

<p>My plan is to go through and look up information from my textbook on all of the terms and write down their gists -- self study my way through all of them. My USH course was incredibly crappy despite it being honor's, and I'm BOMBING practice tests.</p>

<p>Is this enough? Should I also read Barron's or the whole A History of US collection? (My middle school aged sister is reading through those so I have access.)</p>


<p>Uhh, I'd recommend getting the AMSCO book or the REA book. Either will prepare you well for the subject test, though I personally prefer the former. If if you study it hard, then an 800 is definitely possible.</p>