How quickly does Communications at A&M fill up?

My daughter is in the 2nd quarter at one of the most competitive schools in a Houston suburb-- she’s just a sophomore, but would love to be an Aggie-- is communications super competitive? Her GPA is about a 95/100

@txmom9977 it has been widely rumored that TAMU admissions policy may be changing, most likely for the current high school sophomore class.
Nothing is set in stone, and who knows what could happen, but the word is A&M may do away with academic admission. It doesn’t matter how competitive a major is, all students must gain admission into the university first.
Tell your daughter to buckle down, finish this year strong and do her absolute best during her Jr year.

@52AG82 - not to highjack this thread - but with the rumors of changes involving academic admissions, either adjusting the threshold or doing away with them for class of 2025 - I wonder if additional changes could be coming.

I know that currently they say major does not matter, that you gain admissions to the university and then are placed in your first or second choice major based on availability. But the way that the final rounds of PSA offers came out - it was clear that certain majors had been grouped together toward the end. Probably because there were some alternate pathways associated with those majors.

It seems to me - any time you see a pattern like that - something is going on. They may not be using major as a determining factor in admissions - but they are looking at major.

With the sheer number of qualified candidates applying, and the reported decision (in news reports and TAMU presentations) to decrease size of the 2023 freshman class it is clear TAMU is taking a serious look at how to grow the school, and hopefully the TAMU system moving forward.

I would think if they make the decision to limit growth in College Station, like UT Austin did years ago, then the selection of students for College Station will become more refined. You may get to a point where they want people passionate about particular majors on top of passion for being an Aggie.

I would not be surprised that in the next 5 to 7 years - we see admission decisions based on major.