How restricting is SFS?

<p>Right now, i'm thinking that SFS would be a good fit for me because i am verrry interested in Foreign Relations. However, what if i change my mind? What if i fall in love with domestic political science, or something crazy, like archaeology? If i get into SFS, am i pretty much stuck there, or are transfers back to the college easy?</p>

<p>I'm just worried about going to SFS (if i get in) and then being stuck doing foreign relations if i eventually decide i want to to something else.</p>

<p>any feedback would be great.</p>

<p>I'm about to start SFS in the fall, so I don't have actual experience under my belt, but my impression is that it is not very difficult to transfer from SFS to the College. You have to write an essay and know why you're switching and everything, but I have heard it's easier than transferring from the College to SFS. Of course, others should probably weigh in, but that's what I know.</p>

<p>It's not binding in the sense that you'll be able to switch between schools. I transferred from the College to the SFS and it was simple: you fill out a form and write a "why SFS is for me" essay. I imagine it would be similar the other way around.</p>

<p>But the SFS might be restricting in its core requirements (<a href=""&gt;;/a>, so if e.g. you decide on College, you would want to get started on your Econ requirements if you think you'll transfer.</p>

<p>If you decide that SFS is not for you, you can certainly transfer out; you won't be stuck. I don't think Gtown has archaeology classes, but you might want to take an intro class your first semester just to see what it's about. (Psych, Anthropology, Sociology, etc.) And definitely take Intro to International Relations, too.</p>

<p>Cluvrk did you legitimately change your mind or were you working the system?</p>

<p>I'm actually very lucky because International Relations is what I'm interested in and I'm at a place with a good program. I was into History and IR in high school, but due to indecisiveness, applied to the College. The day before applications were due, I looked into the SFS majors and felt maybe SFS was the right choice. But I'd already finished the College app and felt since I was unsure anyway I'd better just apply there. Last year I did manage to do some exploring - I did the Liberal Arts Seminar and took some Intro classes. By May I was set on majoring in Govt, but realized IR was what I was really interested in, and finally, after lots of agonizing, meeting with deans, talking to tons of people, I decided to go for it. </p>

<p>But 1) Both the College and SFS are pretty hard to get into and 2) For me it was never about prestige but interest, so please don't imply that I had certain motives and was "working the system".</p>

<p>Oh, okay so it was a legitimate move, I guess I'm lucky not having any indecision about my major.</p>